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Posts posted by colin49

  1. Hi got similar problem myself mines a 2008, sorry cant offer any help with it just thought I'd share my experience, I bought new drivers door window switch at £28 from skoda but didn't make any difference, took door card off but nothing obvious so think like you said before break/problem in wiring loom, decided will just lean over if need that window operating


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  2. Hi, just to let anyone know that if your after cruise control fitting for your car I would recommend Ross (user name tech1e), hes based near Worcester , and fitted mine at the weekend, very happy with the result, OE was used and works exactly same as if factory fit, damn sight cheaper than dealer too, I had a quote from dealer at over £400 so was very pleased with less than £200

    Thanks again, well chuffed :happy:


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  3. Got similar problem myself, read few posts on here, but window works on mine passenger switch and global just not drivers door, anyway thought it was switch so went and bought one, changed it while at dealers (£29) it worked, thought great that's that then tried about 8 times or so, anyway raining today so went to get water off by winding down...guess what not working grrrrr, think must be wire but not sure if drivers door or passenger......where to start?.......any help appreciated

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