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  1. Not sure whether your car comes via Tyne or Grimsby though the latter would be logistically closer to you. but anyway Merry Christmas and Happy Motoring
  2. Everything has worked out just fine for you Merry Christmas and Happy motoring
  3. Brilliant news for you both Happy Christmas and Happy Motoring. Brilliant news for you both then.... Happy Motoring and Merry Christmas
  4. im not making trouble ! I have read enough of it on here and sick of it, comments you and others make affect everyone in different ways. I like most on here are seeking advice, to which the topic being DSG faults and that is really it.
  5. anyway Back to the topic and an apology to all the people whom have had to read all this nonsense
  6. since fuel creates the energy to make the car go just like the brakes create kinetic energy to power certain parts of the electrical system to save on what fuel that would normally be used and wasted, this place seems to be full of trolls wanting to cause havoc ! and to think most people on here just want to learn knowledge. Maybe my grammar isn't the greatest but the topic is about DSG faults and not actual fuel consumption or not. Oh and last but not least when I was twelve I spent my life in hospital confined to a bed 24/7 until I was 14 then I spent 2 years learning to walk and eventually run.
  7. Go and get on someone else high Horse, the point I was making was that the topic was about DSG FAULTS and not whether a car uses fuel or not, oh and since you are so concerned about facts !!! I did state I was on medication and that I didn't know what I was talking about which again brings me back to an earlier point it you even bothered to read about reading mumbo jumbo that's not relevant to the topic of the OP !!!!!!!!!
  8. I UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT ALL THIS HAS TO DO WITH, WHAT THE TOPIC IS ABOUT. I could not careless about arguments regarding "Whether /weather " the engine uses fuel coasting or not, the engine will always use a negligible amount of fuel FACT!!!!!!!!! the idea of coasting with DSG is regenerative braking which combined with other factors dissipates the need to use added fuel hence the reason they say it doesn't as it uses what fuel was already in the system which in theory is again negligible. but again any way, so the jist is some are fine some are not I have no idea what im talking about medication has taken control.
  9. I now know I made the right choice about the car. Yeah winter will lower mpg but that's still much better than my last car that did about 28 mpg. not sure about Suarez but then again who is? I went for Black magic with beige leather.;
  10. so getting back to topic who is having the problems that the OP has described I don't own a vrs But I am awaiting delivery of a Dsg car which is why I want to know about these problems, rather than a nonsensical debate on issues that need to be I a new feed/topic. WE learn something new everyday but we also waste our lifes reading through meaning less garbage that could really have its own place
  11. Can someone please explain to me how an engine can run without fuel ? I went to school and got an A in chemistry but still cannot fathom how an engine runs without fuel !!!! it defies logic which by the cut of peoples Jab I conclude that members on here have a much higher IQ than 210. Just my opinion
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