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Everything posted by Kerem

  1. Kerem


    km: 31k istanbul-Üsküdar July 2020
  2. Kerem


    km: 31k istanbul-Üsküdar July 2020
  3. Kerem


    km: 31k Maiden's Tower @ istanbul-Üsküdar July 2020
  4. Kerem


    km: 31k Maiden's Tower @ istanbul-Üsküdar July 2020
  5. Kerem


    km: 31k istanbul July 2020
  6. km: 14k istanbul-kadıköy February 2018
  7. Kerem


    km: 14k istanbul-kadıköy February 2018
  8. Kerem


    km: 1.5k Haydarpaşa Train Station @ istanbul-kadıköy September 2016
  9. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide any reference from the manufacturer on this. However, recommendations usually point to a certain range, which is between 20 to 40 psi, rather than a unique figure for TDI/TSI engines of VAG cars.
  10. Normal running pressure range in an R134A system is in between 22, and 57 psi with respect to below reference, https://sciencing.com/normal-running-pressures-r134a-8003413.html Below video also provides some tips, and safety precautions for filling up the gas individually, https://www.carcarekiosk.com/video/2011_Skoda_Octavia_TDI_CR_2.0L_4_Cyl._Turbo_Diesel/air_conditioner/recharge_freon
  11. Any portable steam generator / cleaner with vacuuming ability helps. For ease of cleaning, and protection, I chose to use leatheratte seat covers, https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPDer_oWqKiqZvr3JvH0vVG3YEtsOoJ76_1CyfTdt8kuyEFjJSttqEeTes-xd3Utw?key=R0JHQ3FKX0VhZXM2b09Wd25YRklBS21oejU1eVhR
  12. I have mine replaced a year ago. The part number on the invoice is 5K0 953 569 BD This is for a 2016 year model with a 1.4 TSI engine. As far as I know, the first, and the last two digits change, depending on the year of manufacturing, and the type of engine.
  13. Fixing rubber gaskets to buttom part of the doors might be a solution. "Z" types pictured on the above link are fit for this purpose.
  14. I suggest applying a small amount of lubricant (such as, Tunap 107) into mechanism location before a replacement.
  15. I' ve been observing many interesting setups through out the web. Among those, I marked two of them before which might also be interesting for you. for work: http://www.instructables.com/id/Skoda-Yeti-Work-Car-Setup/ for camping: http://www.instructables.com/id/Skoda-Yeti-MicroCamper-Fat-Berta-30/
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