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    Octavia VRS TDI Estate
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  1. I wonder if the components and calibration to put a power meter in the car mean it's not worth the hassle. Also it doesn't account for any losses in the wallbox or car so maybe isn't accurate. Going to have to do some negotiation with the old man. How do the cars run when the battery is flat/has been fully consumed? Anyone have real world experience of that??
  2. Yeah, basically I commute 10 miles 3 times a week, but maybe once a month I travel 220 miles to my company's head office. My parents live 210 miles away, and they are 40 miles from head office so sometimes I go to see them for a few days and commute to work 80 miles per day. Currently no charging at work, or the preferred hotel near work so I'd have to faff about going to public chargers in the evening which sounds annoying. What happens is you try to run hybrid mode with a flat battery. Does it do any self charging or are you just then carrying dead weight?
  3. Yep, I guess you get to know how much. Seems to me like a very common problem, unless for the e-revolution we are all going to be paying for each other's tanks of fuel!!
  4. Wow, I really expected there to be a screen. I wonder why that's not an obvious feature. So if you have a shared house, or you do t want your girlfriend to be saddled with your car "fuel" bills how do you figure it out. Wall box on a separate meter, or wall boxes that have their own meter built in?
  5. I have a MK3 VRS and thinking of changing it for an iV. Just intrigued about something ahead of finding time to go to the dealership. If I charge at my parents, is there a display that says how many KWh on the last charge so I can figure out how much cash to give them? Or maybe an app? (My dad's as tight as a duck's arse and goes round turning everything off... so charging a car would probably give him a heart attack)
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