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  1. Hi again, I can confirm that with WiFi off and e-sim on I can still connect to the car via the App and refresh the data, what I cannot do is connect my Phone via wireless Android Auto (Should I so wish) this seems to require the WiFi to be on. Interestingly, with Wifi on (And e-sim off) I can still access the car via the app, refresh data and 'Honk and Flash' even when parked up in the middle of nowhere with fields all around me! The car is off to Mitchells Skoda next week for a service, whilst there I will ask some pertinent questions and ask for updates to be applied. Cheers Alan
  2. Hi again all, I must admit to being confused, Having turned off WiFi and turned on the e-sim (No subscription) I can no longer access the 'Shop' to e.g. download/ delete apps? However, if I turn on WiFi (Which of course turns off the e-sim automatically) then I am able to access the 'Shop' to download and delete said apps wherever I park? The following services are active: - Infotainment Online, Proactive Service, Remote Access, Pay to Fuel, Pay to Park (These two of course don't work in the UK!) and Smart Apps Bundle. I have no data plans active. My map database is still 23.6, up from 22.9 via manual installation from the Skoda Portal and software is still 1806. In order to update the map database and system in general Must I pay for a data plan on the e-sim or will WiFi suffice? Should I set my phone up as a WiFi Hotspot and use it's data connection? I have consulted the so-called Digital Manual but it wasn't very clear on what to do? Finally, I was under the impression that paying for Remote Access etc. used the e-sim regardless of a separately purchased data plan or even turning on the e-sim? Yours confused, Alan
  3. Dear all, I have turned off WiFi and turned on the e-sim, I will wait and see what happens. I still have about 10 days to the service whereupon I can ask the dealer to update the Infotainment system software and map navigation database as required. Thank you once again for the help and advice
  4. Hi again, my Infotainment and Care Connect subscriptions are active until the end of December this year. However, the e-sim has been 'Toggled off' since I picked the car up, the only connection to the Internet being via my home WiFi when parked up. Could this be the reason why such large downloads as map database updates have not occurred? The car has received several other downloads through the years, such as 'Pay to park' and Pay to fuel - Both useless in the UK! (Traffication also updates regularly).
  5. Hi All, thanks for the information. I currently subscribe to 'Infotainment Online' and 'Care Connect', but not the 'Data Plan'. My car connects successfully to my home WiFi. The Head Unit Software version is also lagging behind it seems at 1806! the car is due for an oil change towards the end of the Month, I will have words with the Dealer! Kind regards, Alan
  6. Hi, I live in Wales and drive a 2020 Mk IV 1.5 TSI Octavia. I have been waiting for the navigation database (v 22.9) to be updated to include the 20mph speed limits. Yesterday I downloaded ECE2024 (CW 45/2023, Nov. 2023?) and manually updated the navigation system. The system now shows navigation database version 23.6, i.e. before the Welsh speed limit changed! Therefore the system still does not include the new 20mph roads in Wales. My subscriptions are all up to date btw and I was wondering if there was a more recent version available anywhere? I recently drove a friend's 24 plate Kodiac whose maps DO show the new speed limits. Cheers Alan
  7. Hi MP1983, thanks for the information, as I have already stated, the economy of this 1.5 TSI engine is on a level with Diesels! However, mine will ALWAYS 'Kangaroo' if I attempt to pull away before the revs drop below 1,000 rpm. This normally takes a little while, usually until the SatNav has finished loading and I have turned off the Stop/ Start function. After this, the car still requires careful clutch and throttle control for a few minutes of driving, but at least it doesn't kangaroo if I follow this procedure! The car has had all relevant software updates and I have got used to this 'Feature' of the engine in return for it's economy and, indeed performance.
  8. Yes, it was when I was cleaning the car having had the towbar fitted that i noticed the '0 kg' towing weight! I had bought the car second-hand and the towbar was fitted by the Dealer (via a 3rd party) who promptly uninstalled it when I pointed out the problem! I was paid some compensation for my troubles and was informed, rightly or wrongly, that there were more and more 'Zero-Plated' cars appearing because less people are asking for their new cars to be even capable of having a towbar installed, never mind actually having one factory-fitted! I accompanied a Skoda employee around their display of 2nd hand Octavias and nearly half of the cars, mostly around a year old, were plated at 0 kg towing weight! This was in late 2021 and was probably a cost-cutting exercise by the manufacturer - I don't know if the situation has changed?
  9. Hi, we (Wife, me, dog, cat and luggage) recently went on a trip to Kent for a week. This included the usual M6/ M1/ M25 traffic and local driving in and around Westgate on Sea, - We accomplished this on one tank of petrol and covered 588 miles in total. I have seen over 650 miles on occasion (very favourable driving conditions) However, I no longer have to commute and can therefore avoid most traffic jams and bottlenecks. I also live near Wrexham and have good access to dual carriageways etc.
  10. Hi, my 1.5 is the SE Technology, therefore no mode selection. Sainsbury's Super Unleaded is E5 (Or less) and I attempt to drive with a light right foot, quite often on two cylinders at 70 mph. I was told by a Skoda Technician that the 1.5 TSI engine should run more smoothly and efficiently on fuels with >95 RON - Indeed the manual says 'Using higher octane petrol than 95 RON may result in improved performance and lower fuel consumption.' It's all a bit of a grey area and very subjective isn't it? But I reason that Sainsbury's SUL is cheaper than some branded 95 RON fuels, therefore why not - As you say, the car 'Feels' smoother on a higher Octane fuel, even so, there is not a great difference between your observations and mine
  11. Hi, my 2020 MkIV 1.5TSI manages between 50 and 60 mpg driving locally and between 64 and 68 mpg on a longer Motorway run (Mainly at 70 mph) I am using Sainsbury's Super Unleaded, what do you people use please? Cheers, Alan
  12. Hi, Just a cautionary tale, I bought a 2020 Octavia MkIV a couple of years ago to replace my 2015 model. I had a towbar fitted to pull my caravan then discovered that the car was in fact plated at zero weight for towing!
  13. 'Zero-Maintenance', meaning no need to replace it for the life of the engine? Or does it mean that it does not require manual tensioning or lubrication?
  14. Dear all, I have a 2020 Octavia Mk IV 1.5 TSI with almost 44,000 miles on the 'Clock'. I have tried to find the definitive replacement information for the cam/ timing belt. So far I have seen 4 or 5 years, 40,000 to 60,000 miles, 80,000 or 100,000 miles and even no replacement required for the life of the 1.5 TSI (Petrol) engine. Is there a document somewhere out there which clarifies this issue please? Yours in confusion, Alan
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