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    Skoda Fabia

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  1. @KenONeill - My title may have been meaningless to the query but I have the excuse of not knowing what I was doing. You knew what you were doing when you made your rude, unhelpful (and meaningless) comment. Feel like your time could've been better spent advising rather than criticising. Perhaps next time you should heed the advise your mother undoubtedly gave you when you were younger - "If you have nothing nice to say...don't say anything at all". @sepulchrave - Many thanks for your reply. The problem is now resolved thanks to your helpful advice. @JWvrs25 - You were quite right. I was a little confused, it was reassuring to receive a response which recognised my lack of expertise but offered helpful support nonetheless.
  2. Wow that was quick. Obviously the diagram means nothing to me but thank you and I will get this to my mechanic as soon as poss. By special equipment is it something reasonably small, reasonably priced and easily purchased?
  3. Hi, Not even sure what to say. I have a 55 plate Skoda Fabia (a poorly one). My very reliable mechanic wants to replace oil and filter of the automatic transmission gearbox due to various problems I have been having with car. However, he is struggling to find any info on how and where to put replacement oil? It is a BorgWarner gear box not DSG. I have been tasked to find info but have failed miserably. He is wondering if it is a sealed unit and oil cannot in fact be replaced. I am not mobile so really need this car back on road.....been looking at four walls now for several days. The mechanic is superb and cannot do enough for me to help, but neither of us can find the relevant info. This is my first visit to any sort of forum so apologies for my lack of knowledge of what to write!!
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