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Everything posted by wilsonian

  1. I'm a mod on the Micra Sport Club and a few people on there have made rally cars out of the 1.4 engine K11 model. the 1.3 is really 1275cc and without a turbo can go around 110bhp.
  2. Maybe the controller box for the elecy windows is on it's way out... Were the windows able to be rised again OK or could they have been forced off the runners (possible robbery).
  3. Sorry but it looks like a sticker you'd get 10 of from poundland. Not my cuppa tea.
  4. I've heard about the peanut trick, well, in for a penny...... thanks guys.
  5. OK I waxed my car about 6 weeks ago and noticed I'd got a few spots on the black number plate holder on the front. Not a problem I thought and used black in a flash (the turtle wax product) to clean up the black plastic trim. Only problem is I expected the shine to wear after a while but the wax spots are back - which means they were only covered and not cleaned. Do all these black trim restore products do this or just this one I have?
  6. Cupra bushes aren't that much to start with (well not when your hoping they'll knock a few bob off a good suspension kit.!)
  7. Really liked the Porsche's out of condroman (already mentioned I know) Also most of the bond cars - two of my fav's have to be these Aston Martin V8 Aston Martin, V12 Vanquish
  8. Some sort of handling/lowering gear please
  9. As mike has said for the price of them you might as well just get a new one, plus if u do try cleaning it their paper so you run the risk of damaging it (even if you don't think you have)....
  10. I beleive the gauge of wire wool is 00.
  11. Hello and welcome to the board!
  12. What a crazy waste of time! :(
  13. A bit of elbow grease and it'll be good as new
  14. Well deserved, always been a Button fan. His driving skills are very relaxed and his driving looks great
  15. you should always clean your wipers every few weeks. on the MK1 fabia you can pull the out while in the neutral position and give them a good wipe.
  16. What an idea although I think my missus might complain if I ask her to put on a sheep skin bikini and wash my car :(
  17. I dont care if people say the MX5 is a hair dressers car I think they look smart and that looks factory freash - well done mate!
  18. I've had AVG competely ignore a webbased attack which isn't good. I've heard Kaspersky is very good but I haven't got round to trying it. Norton has been known to sap your system resources.
  19. It's only a matter of time before we get james bond style flip plates
  20. Sorry but I don't like the MK2 so when that came out I was so glad I'd got my SE
  21. Bet u can't do that for a fabia VRS thats been chipped!
  22. ya need to get friendly with a local tyre company - I get repairs done for £5
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