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Everything posted by wilsonian

  1. Better than mine. 27yrs 7 NCB Car parked on driveway Fabia vRS SE no mods £500! - Big problem is where I am - Manchester. :(
  2. Used this place several times (even when they were just a seat dealer) as Horners (just a few doors down) closed down about a year ago. I've purchased brakes and the Seat splitter and I also had my 2nd yr service which brought up the leaking turbo seal (they were good at picking up my car the very next day to have it sorted). Most recently I had a problem with my air blowers and had to leave it with them for 3 days while they removed the dash and replaced the faulty part. I was given a courtesy car (1.2 Seat ibiza) for the duration. My only bad points (which aren't major) are I had to call them to find out how my car is coming along dispite being told they would call me before 4:00 - and at the moment the serivce section is in the seat dealers room not skoda's so can get confusing as their are no signs (at the time). I also know my father has just bought an Ocy Scout 4x4 from them so they must be doing summat right
  3. Really nice mate. I think the rear badge needs doing but the front looks great. I think it looks great that low as well
  4. Mine are also Anthracite however I've always like dwhite wheels on a red car - rally style
  5. Depends, I know the Pug garage near me has just upgraded to some laser tech gizmo and is charging over a ton to get your tracking done. :( Best ring round a few places.
  6. Same thing I was thinking of except it's not to my liking. Personally I would have used a tinting spray.
  7. Well not sure how cheap this is for some people but I was in my local ASDA (Ashton) last night and bought 6 Micro Fibre Towels for just £3. Personally I think this is a good offer
  8. Well it's still good for us as we can use it on the boot trim, the floor mats and the side cards For the leather seats I normally use the meguiars leather care
  9. Well another update. I called Hobins last week and they took my car in for the day. After a days work they said they would need the car back again as they didn't have time to get the suspected part. not a problem, they provided me with a car for a few days and off the fabia went into the service bay. 3 days later my car is finally ready to collect. turns out the controller unit for the blowers had become faulty, the replacement part they had shipped in was also fault and they ran out of time on the second day to re-fit the dash. Everything seems fine now so fingers crossed it'll be the last time it's in there.
  10. Seems to be but have you contacted the seller?
  11. I purchased a wool mint from elite car care about 3 months ago and so far used it about 4 times. After every use I normally pop it in the machine and give it a good wash before leaving it to dry. Last night I came to use it only to find it molting :( I only noticed after half my Fabia was covered in strands. Is this the normal life span of a wool mitt or would machine washing have ruined it?
  12. I left mine on bu then again they were newly refurbed spiders with new tyres. The dealership didn't mind them
  13. What companies are these quotes with and also the areas you live in. Getting mine chipped would be great but already mentioned I think the handling and braking needs attention first.
  14. Mind me asking how old your vRS is?
  15. They scared the poo out of me when I was a kid! LOL Wont it just be the missus?
  16. Some little t$%t key'd my 3 month old SE few years back on the bonnet and boot - it's gonna cost alot to get it sorted. Sorry to hear about your scratch :(
  17. Not only do i agree with vrsmeansyellow when he says larger wheels and painted calipers but personally if you can afford it I'd add two other items: 1, Colour coding - get rid of those black bumper strips/handles and it'll look 100% better 2, Have you got an ARB such as a whiteline or a jabba sports? that'll give you even better handling
  18. Right update to fault: It seems it only rattles when the fans are on "screen and footwell". Any other option and it's not there. I'll be calling Hobbins tomorrow as the car is still under warrenty.
  19. I ended up getting some megs nxt glass cleaner which seems to be very good
  20. I have to agree with Baker21 on this. while it gives a nice finish it doesn't last that long. I did my GF's tigra last month and you can hardly tell now. :(
  21. I'll check the filter at the weekend (as I'm working long shifts at the moment. As for the aircon it does get nice and chilly and admittantly I couldn't hear the rattling tonight on the way home. strange....
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