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Posts posted by RichieL

  1. On 08/09/2015 at 22:28, Iamholam said:
    On 08/09/2015 at 22:26, Rodge said:

    The door bins are surprisingly small, considering how much Skoda goes on about storage space. I guess the reason they go on about being able to fit a bottle in them is because that is pretty much the only thing that will fit.

    Yes, I also found this annoying, the front ones are small. The rear ones are even smaller!

    They're huge compared to the useless ones I had in previous focus!!

  2. 5 minutes ago, TheWanderer said:

    You've been wanting it darker, so the only way to do it is tint it. 


    I really don't care anymore. Do what you like. You've been given advice and that's the end of it. You made a duff choice, live with it. 

    I didn't make the choice - something which you have failed to grasp.

    You didn't give advice, you poked fun and spouted some ill informed views on the legality of tints. You've been about as much use as a chocolate teapot.

    • Confused 1
  3. 37 minutes ago, TheWanderer said:

    It's to do with the all round visibility, don't ask me why government agencies vehicles are seemingly exempt from it, but if you try it then you can get nicked for it. 


    Seen it on more than a few police documentary programmes on TV. So I would err on the side of caution on getting glass more deeply tinted that what manufacturers supply. 


    Why make yourself more of a target for the police? May be some people like to provoke them with stupid modifications, but I most certainly won't be joining the club. If RichieL wants to play with fire then so be it, can't complain if he then gets burnt. 

    Are you for real? When have I ever said I was going to change the tint on my car? When did I ask for anyone's advice on how to tint my car? I merely commented to say that i, along with other people had the same issue and then you and your condescending buddy come in and start name calling.

    I don't want your fictitious advice about tinting, I didn't appreciate being called a chav, I won't be adding an aftermarket tint and I won't be changing the car!

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, TheWanderer said:


    Actually Stoofa has a valid point in that there are legal requirements for tinted glass and the opacity of any tinting that may be applied to it. And as Stoofa has added if you want to make your car look like a Chavmobile or van that's entirely your perogative. 


    Just don't say that you weren't advised or warned about it.  Penalty is £60 + 3pts on your driving licence. 

    Stoofa never mentioned chavmobile but thanks for your invaluable input.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Stoofa said:

    As is pointed out, you're quite correct, it's lighter because it isn't supposed to be any darker.

    It's sunset glass and you're talking about privacy glass.

    If you want that "van like" appearance, go get yourself some "lovely" film on the B-pillar back.

    Is it really called sunset?? 

    In the options list I ticked privacy glass not sunset glass. Take your inverted commas and condescending attitude elsewhere.

    • Like 1
  6. On 12/03/2019 at 11:34, Superb170 said:

    Welcome, nice colour!

    Thank you! It's the free one!! Looks nicer than I thought it would - was very worried it was going to look awful!

  7. First skoda for me. Took delivery of an Octavia Estate SE Technology 1.5TSI in December. Went for 17" Trius alloys and privacy glass in the options list.

    First new car I have owned. 

    Love the car, find it quite fast for a big car although still breaking it in!

    Love the infotainment system and find new things most weeks! Loving the forum so far!


    • Like 1
  8. Hi!

    Mine was delivered in December and have only just stumbled across this very helpful forum!

    Octavia SE Technology 1.5TSI in Energy Blue.

    Let my wife choose the wheels - 17" Trius, I got the privacy glass!

    Love the car, still in its running in period - only done 1300 miles so far.

    Only problem I have is that I can't pull away in the bloody thing!! Thankfully I've read it's not me it's the car - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!



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