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Everything posted by shark_90

  1. As Gavin has said, Alientech make hardware. I'm not sure if they do write maps for people who need them or not, they might do.
  2. Come on chaps lets put the handbags away. This is a great thread which shouldn't be tarnished with personal feuds, and however Jabbasport do it, they have produced the figures so good on them
  3. But it is theoretically impossible, so either the injectors/nozzles are modified or it's running on the meth mix. There's no "Pah" from us, just sound theory.
  4. 2006 Octavia doesn't use long coding. Unfortunately there's no needle sweep for pre facelift cars.
  5. Oh I see. Er, I don't know. I'd suggest asking Bapro, given that both the WHP and a smoother corrected line are both present, I don't see what difference it makes. It's quite clear to see that they match albeit smoother and every graph we print has the WHP and coastdown data on it.
  6. I'm quite sure no one at Shark can explain that for you, as we don't make the dyno or the software, however could you please point out what you're referring to?
  7. The correction factor is slightly different due to ambient pressure and temperature changes. It's measured every time a run is done and run through the same conversions to ensure that the runs are comparable.
  8. Just a quick update, it was late when I left and for various reasons wasn't able to stay even 10 minutes later. Rob will post this up in the morning.
  9. No problem sir, I look forward to a passenger ride!
  10. We will very shortly have a dealer in the Kent area
  11. The owner of the car has given us permission to post the graph which I will do in the next few hours.
  12. I don't know about Jabba's rollers, but I have absolute faith in the tool we bought and it's accuracy. I guess it works both ways, from one run we can't claim that it is optimistic either.
  13. Optimistic it isn't. Plenty of people already been upset by it. We don't know what's been done to it for it to make that power. But make that power it did.
  14. Our switch will actually put it back to standard, 100% standard as it was from the factory, most switches (including the one that you've mentioned) won't
  15. Indeed a lot of Fabias I've seen have had KKK, I just thought it was amusing that the company who wrote the above blurb about the PD130 quotes that a mixture of Honeywell and Garrett turbos are used.
  16. Shark Performance RWYB Rolling Road day TODAY!!!

  17. We said it was theoretically impossible using safe SOI and duration, and said how we came to that conclusion with the values used. We opened it up for a response telling us different and didn't get an answer.
  18. Don't start that one again! There'll be people leaving left right and centre!
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