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JBS Auto Design

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Posts posted by JBS Auto Design

  1. If there is the possibility of having a problem with the MAF because of the filter is it worth risking it?

    May have nothing to do with the oil.

    But hey we sell Green Cotton.

    If you want to know what price PM me and I will get a price for you delivered to your door.

    We have them in stock waiting to go.


  2. Hi and welcome.

    Ooo mods.

    There is plenty out there for the vrs.

    The first mod that you need is a remap :drool:

    Pound for pound the best thing that you could do on your car.

    You will find lots of help on this forum.


  3. Hi

    On a diesel it could cut down the smoke.

    The power could be increased but only slightly.

    It is getting more air in.

    They are long lasting and do not have to be replaced.

    It will not invalidate the warranty as it is an air filter after all.

    It is very easy to be replaced.

    But if you need to do a warranty claim they will not check the air filter in 99% of claims.

    Will only be checked if it is something to do with the air box.

    Insurance , doubt it but could be worth a check.But it is just a long lasting air filter instead of a mod ;)

    Could try that.


  4. I know it may sound daft , but I do know we had one in not long ago with a missfire.

    The wrong spark plugs had been fitted and one of the coil packs was of the old style and had gone down after only a couple of months running.

    So could be worth checking that out too.

    Hope you get to the bottom of it.


  5. Hi and welcome.

    Yes you have chose well.

    As for mods wow LOADS out there for you.

    I agree with the suspension advise and the remap.

    We deal with all modifications and have Custom-Code for the remap www.custom-code.co.uk is the web site.

    Also check out JBS`s web site on www.jbsautodesigns.co.uk for more info.

    Have fun on this forum as there is loads out there to help.

    Including me if you cant find what your looking for.


  6. Hi Rob

    Hey didn`t I try my best.

    Could still get it to you before you go ;)

    Anyway you know it is always a pleasure.

    I was supprised at how cheap we did this for you.

    Anyway hope it all goes really well for you.

    Just dont forget us on the Briskoda forum :(


  7. Hi and welcome.

    You will find pleanty of help on this forum.

    As for the question , you will find that the lights are LED1s and are not changeable.

    If you want the lights back on you will have to replace the whole of the heater front.

    Sorry for the bad news.


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