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JBS Auto Design

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Posts posted by JBS Auto Design

  1. This is ok , but do you have variable serviceing?

    Has a warning light come on to tell you , your car should be able to have it.

    You will find that most dealers will put you on FIXED to get you back in to spend your money with them.

    Be aware of which oil is used.

    You need some good oil.

    But yes the second is the about cost of this.

    But if you just have the inspection , you will need to take it in after a year.

    But could be 2 if on Variable.

    Gets slightly tricky at times eh?

  2. Thank you for answering everyone's queries & a big thank you to everyone else for letting me know how it should be after this.


    Well I hope we get it fitted and we can both report that it was a good fit with good results.

    This is all a mad game and we have to keep on top of it by finding out really what happens and where.

    Will get in touch soon.

    Thank you all

  3. Possible probelm with the newly fitted ABD.

    From a cold start the engine seems very rough although there is no discernable problems with the idling...it just feels and sounds 'rough' (small vibrations also felt through steering wheel where there were none b4) . Once the car is mobile for a minute or so the engine seems to 'smooth' itself out and all is well. The kit itslef still sounds as good and there are no problems with the running of the car at all after the initial minute. There are no warning lights to show a problem. I'm not overly concernered as it dosn't seem to effect the car at all.

    Anyone else have this?


    Using BP ultimate and havn't had it remapped/tuned since the fitting.

    Hi it will just be the extra noise that you can hear with the CAI.

    But if you do feel that you need it looking at just pop in to see us.

  4. If you changed suspension and engine gave up' date=' or your trim need fixed - i'm sure they couldn't complain.

    However, if the bushes gave up or something associated with changing the suspension - they wouldn't be interested in my opinion.[/quote']

    Hi This is correct.

    Did warranty for 5 years for Skoda.

    If you have Larger Alloys put on to your car , the only thing that would be invalidated would be things like wheel bearings.

    All electrics etc. would not be affected.

    If you have lower brace on then same applies.

    If you find yourself a good dealer to work with , some tend to think the same as us in the sense that it is there to improve the car.

    So if you have a problem then it was going to arrise whether you had the mod or not.

    Skoda warranty is very good and they have a good set of lads and lasses there on hand to help if you do not get any joy from the dealers , but you can find some really helpfull dealers too.

  5. Should be warranty if the car is still in warranty.

    Go back to the garage you bought it from and ask them to replace the master cylinder and slave cylinder.

    When I worked at the dealership we alwys replace both.

    But if you just lift the pedal up , it should work again , but needs to be done.

  6. Hi

    Yes I worked for the warranty dept. for a skoda dealer for 5 years.

    The sensors are pretty renowned to go.

    I think though the 3 sensors are the most common.

    You can usually tell if there is a common fault on them if the old parts have been superceeded.

    But after them 3 sensors you should be fine.

    The Yaw angle sensor is the most expensive but the oil sensor is not that bad.

    But just keep checking the oil level before you drive just to check that all is good.

    On the Classics there was a problem with head gaskets though , could be worth checking that.

    A call to the dealer should be able to let you know whether this had been done in the past and get it checked.

    The front head bolts on a few went through without the correct torque on them.

  7. Hi

    You should get them all fixed FOC under warranty.

    If you do have any problems then let customer service know.

    They are vaery helpfull.

    But obviousley let the dealer sort this for you first.

    Some of the problems though could be related.

    Hope you get it sorted.

    Could help if you could post on here to let us all know what the problems were though.

    Good luck!

  8. Hi Johnathan

    The 48E9 relates to a problem that all dealers should be aware of.

    D`hule is the oil so it could be something to do with the power steering fluid.

    But just mention that number and any dealer home or overseas should be able to help with that.

    Hope you get it sorted , my french is not that good.

    Could order you a meal in french , but not help with the garage.

    Good luck!

  9. The seat belts do not get stripped down as they are classed as dangerous cargo.

    Because of this dealers are not really supposed to have a few in stock.

    They have small explosive bits in there a bit like the air bags.

    The best thing to do is to check that the seat belt has not got screwed up on the inside.

    Then get it looked at at a dealer.

    Do not attempt to pull the seatbelt apart yourself.

    Even technicians are allowed to do that!

  10. The genuine ones form the dealers are not that bad pricewise.

    You get them in pairs and the drivers come with the spoiler on.

    They also have the indicator on to let you know when they are ready for replaceing.

    That is if you dont already know!

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