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JBS Auto Design

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Posts posted by JBS Auto Design

  1. It is part of the PDi to set the service intervals.

    But you will find that most dealers will set it to every 10k so the customer will bring it back to them (hopefully)for a service.

    If you set it for variable services which is 2 years or 20k then you dont see your customer as much.

    Will admit I think I would prefer 10k for mine , but then it is best to ask the customer what THEY would prefer than the dealer who wants your money every month.

  2. It is a common problem on the Favorit.

    But Skoda distroyed all the keys left.

    When the cars was built there was 5 keys for each of the immobilisers.

    Number 1 and 2 was given to the customer.Number 3,4 and 5 was in stock with Skoda and could be bought by the registerer keeper.

    But what they found was that the keys if you like had a shelf life.

    The majority that I ordered did not work.

    So there was an official bulletin sent to all dealers saying that Skoda reccomended that all keys was distroyed and that they reccomend all customers to have the immobilser removed.

    It is not hard and if done correctly you can still have the light flashing so it looks like the immobiliser still works.

  3. The green brake pads for the Fabia vRS is something that I have been looking in to.

    They are fast road ones.

    They are not available yet , but I think it could only be about another month.

    I have been on their case for about 3 months now.

    As soon as I know you will all know.

  4. The 400bhp will actually be nearer 450bhp on gas.

    The official release date for this vehicle will be GTi International.

    All aspects of this car have been modified to handle the power.

    Full spec list and prices of conversion will be available soon.

    Thanks for the interest as the year progresses we will provide info on how the car has performed , so watch this space :)

  5. Dont know much about the Climate Control.

    But the power steering I do.

    I used to do warranty claims for 2 dealers for 5 years.

    The power steering light can come on because of the Yaw angle sensor.

    It has been a problem in the past.But superceeded parts was supposed to cure it.

    Another problem could be that the power steering fluid could be low.

    I have seen that before aswell.

    If your car is still covered under warranty get it checked.

    But always ask what was faulty.

  6. Hi Yes we have them in stock.

    You can have one posted out if it helps!

    You can call me on 01246 550400.

    They last quite a while and instead of replacing them you just clean them.

    So best to look at letting who services your car know , then it would not be replaced.

    Would not think that warranty would be invalidated with anything by adding this product.

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