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Status Updates posted by Rich_N

  1. Time to shoot some bad folks in Medal Of Honour

  2. Great day out on the bike - longest ride this year so I'm off to the shop to get some beers as a treat.

  3. An hour and a half later than normal I'm going to bed.

  4. Nights again - yuk!

  5. Nights tonight - yuk!

  6. Time for bed. 15 hour shift today and I'm ******ed!

  7. Not going out on the bike today - still coughing and the weather is foggy and damp so that'll only make things worse. So, a day with the Kindle is in order.

  8. Feeling really ill tonight - can't stop coughing but can't clear the crap from my chest.......

  9. Went to get some fuel this morning on the way home from work - card was blocked (luckily I had my Credit Card) - got home, phoned the bank and they told me some little **** has my card details and had done a test transaction yesterday. They could have phoned me a SPOKE to me before they blocked it though.

    1. BossFox


      They never do in my experience. Automatic computer says no, then a person has to reverse it.

  10. Just read the report for the pension - there is a little good news for those of us in the last 5 to 10 years of our service:-

    1. vRSy


      forces? I just read about this, i have ten years left, and if effects me im on my bike

    2. Brimma


      Robbing bar stewards springs to mind

  11. I'm feeling **** - not sure if it's my hayfever or a cold/flu....I hope it's the former!

  12. Has been to the Bank House - last min decision to head there for grub as we've bugger all to cook! Both had the Gammon steak on the early bird for ?5.00 each....not bad and really tasty.

  13. Well, now I know what is wrong with mum, spoke to the Doctor this morning. I also know that there is nowt wrong with Dad's memory but he may be suffering with depression which explains his strange behavior. Helped Trace clean their house, well, I did part of the kitchen then took them to the doctors while Trace did the rest. Still stressed by it all but starting to relax a little!

  14. I have aching arms and feel like I've gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson after my Personal safety Training.......good fun though.

  15. Booked off tomorrow night - stressful day ahead with mom and dad again in the offing and I suspect I'm going to need some time to de-stress myself!

  16. That's it - I've reached the end of my tether with all the **** thats been going on for the past year. I've completely lost my temper tonight and can feel it bubbling still.........I really don't know what to do or who I can turn to. Social Services seen so lax, they're trying but can't do enough to stop things getting worse.

  17. Sun is shining here - I'm as snappy as hell due to stress with mom and dad - so I thought I'd go out for a ride. Mistake, it's windy, cold and showery so I went for 15 mins and came home with a stinking head ache! Hope it's better tomorrow.

  18. Discuss 'Tripod Head For Heavy Load' with me. http://ping.fm/kfAVO

  19. Crappy weather outside - should have gone out on the bike yesterday!

  20. Goodnight all - time for bed after a stress filled day with social services and my parents!

  21. Nice meal out at the Bank House.

  22. It's time to show our support for the normal and decent people of Libya, they're being murdered by the tyrant Gaddafi and yet they still stand for democracy and liberty.

  23. Coming home today, weather is really crap. Not even the chance to take photos as the mist is right down.

  24. Been out on the hill in the mist and snow. Now in the pub (Travelers Rest, Grasmere) eating and having a pint. This is what mountains were made for.

  25. Just ate a great meal at The Dodds. Now on coffee and grappa.

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