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Status Updates posted by hounded

  1. Hi Ben wasn't able to get to you before gti international on the Friday as got called away for work is it possible to pop over the weekend after this one to sort the ecu non read problem then I can use my spangly new STS and map



  2. waiting........

  3. heh miss George I'm not on fb no more drop me a text when you fancy a day out or we could elope to gretna green hehe x

  4. how easy it is to reverse a payment on a bank card anyone know ?

    1. steven carson

      steven carson

      the person that u sent the payment to has to reveres it but its easy

  5. Hi I wonder if you could update the list on who has paid I paid Friday as I have no receipt of payment would be nice to have the visual recognition and to see where we are with time scales etc



  6. Heh George sweety x

  7. Thank god thats over the stress of being a Wolves fan :D

  8. That's awesome bud my only concern is wiring them in as it's a job I've never undertaken before :)

  9. Thankyou bud for the info much appreciated :)

  10. oh the joy of mountains of paperwork should really be enjoying the sunshine

  11. has joined the FREEDOM masses :)

  12. some people are so ignorant manners cost nothing but these days it doesnt seem to wash

  13. seriously tempted at another skoda addition in the octavia scout

  14. Still waiting on a response from the email I sent for the briskoda sticker I received with a missing letter and the sticky quality of a 50p lol

  15. chilling on a rare day off while my pride and joy is being valeted :D

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