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Lady Elanore

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Everything posted by Lady Elanore

  1. I can see you are investing heart and soul into this enterprise
  2. I'm sure she would kill the brakes and tyres in honour of the work Boss put in to his Yeti
  3. I found this vid of Sabine breaking the 7 seat SUV record around the Ring in a Skoda
  4. Every single medication we take has side effects, it's about risk. Even if there is link to the AZ jab that is eventually proven, the jab is one of the safest medications out there and for a life-saving treatment (it may save others even if you are young and fit enough to survive C-19) the risks are almost not worth bothering about as for the amount of good it will do. Imagine if as many people started to opt out of the smallpox jab because of an incredibly rare reaction to the jab, the horrifically scaring and often fatal disease would still be around. I see the jab as being my civic duty to take
  5. I'm interested to see how this affects you. A couple of colleagues have had the jab and reckon it made them feel a bit naff for a coup of days. Seems to be linked to age as to how you recover after the jab - on average that is. I'm getting it next week unless anything changes of course.
  6. Why is the sky blue. Is that some sort of strange Scottish weather phenomenon?
  7. Mr Sutcliffe has the 2 main protagonists at the track today. Will the Alfas better power to weight win out? I've seen a few videos where the Alfa has been put on scales and it in reality doesn't seem much lighter than the lumpy M3/4. I love Steve S, he can comment and drive at the limit at the same time. I think it's because once you have raced the original Tuscans, everything else happens in slow motion Anyhoo there is a clear winner on time around the short and twisty circuit they use, at least on time, if not fun (which he doesn't really draw any conclusions about). Autocar released on today too, in which they go road driving and discuss where BMW might be envisioning the M3/4s place in the motoring world.
  8. I get the impression, that apart from superior traction, the new Comp M3/4 isn't really any quicker than the old, at least in a straight line. Admittedly, it might not try to kill you as often I saw one yesterday in a BMW showroom (having my car serviced) and it didn't look too bad at all. The grill certainly doesn't jump out at you, at least in the dark colour the car was sporting. It's an interesting shape to pour over. Mind you, I owned a series 1 123D which was not the most beautiful of cars in it's day
  9. As a pianist, well I was once, I found that when sight-reading and concentrating hard, your fingers automatically feel their way around the keyboard. You pretty much know where all the keys are without looking, but in the heat of battle, say you are sight-reading right at your absolute level of skill, then the tactile feel of the black keys in their 2s and 3s tell you exactly what your fingers are resting on. I find cars to be the same. I am concentrating on the road and don't want to either look away, be distracted or start groping wildly around for controls if I'm on a bumpy road etc. I like buttons and physical control devices
  10. Sabine overtaking everyone (above) is probably my favourite all-time Nürburgring video Here is one that gives you a little of her backstory. She certainly had a lust for speed (please forgive it's a BMW video)
  11. They are dedicating this Sundays Top Gear to her. I hope they show some of her footage in a decent montage. RIP Sabine. Go play with Murray now
  12. I was about to put my sticky mitts on it and rub my nose on the passenger window...just had an itchy nose really, when a polite lady said "you aren't supposed to browse". I then realised she had said this to earlier when I walked passed her, but didn't quite pick up on her muffled tones. Anyhoo I apologised profusely and buggered off. .. But! They didn't get the service finished in time (some nonsense about waiting for the car to cool down-I'd driven 2 miles ot the dealership) so I get to go back tomorrow, phone camera in hand, if I remember that is. It's something you need to see in the flesh I think, as I was genuinely surprised it didn't look like a giant killer woodchuck. It might be one of those cars that is very sensitive to colour?
  13. I have head up displays and they are great, unless you wear polarised sunglasses in which case they are not great, in fact they are invisible more or less
  14. I saw my first M4 in a dealership today (mines in for a big service (2.5 hours to change the spark plugs!). I wasn't allowed to linger or open the doors sadly and it surprised me that it didn't look bigger. It isn't a small thing, but it's a bit more svelte than I thought it would be and the grill really doesn't jump out at you. It was a very dark green colour, sort of dark pearlescent Oxford Green, quite subtle really.
  15. Anything but touch screens. I hate them with a passion. I don't have gesture control, but once they get this working it may be OK, well as long as the manufacturers agree on a common language for the gestures. After all a gesture needs no translation in theory. Buttons, sliders, knobs, wheels and stalks, bring em on
  16. I always thought there was something similar about Clive James head and Murray's. I think it's something to do with spherical-ness?
  17. I watched that last night just to hear 'that' engine It's amazing how cheap the conversion is!
  18. The full interview appears to be on YouTube now, in varying quality it has to be said.
  19. Buy a Chromecast key (HDMI dongle hockey puck shaped thing) Use your android phone to set it up on your wifi, reasonably straightforward. Turn on laptop and go to YouTube. Find video you like Hit the cast icon on YouTube. A little rectangular outline with a wifi style set of lines in the corner of it and look up at the top right of your laptop screen. You will see the Chromecast key is listed there for casting to. Click on it. Your telly box now mirrors sound and vision on YouTube playing on your laptop. No wires needed.
  20. I only posted that as an example. There are many other powered types, just have a look on Amazon or ebay. Btw you plug the 3.5mm plug into your headphone socket of your laptop looking at that picture Alternatively is your laptop Windows 7?? Heres a 10m one. If your telly can't provide the power (sometimes telly USBs can't produce enough current to run things anyway, simply get a USB power charger from an old phone but if your laptop is windows 7,8 or10 and you have an android device (phone or tablet) just buy a Chromecast key. No wires needed for YouTube then
  21. I am guessing the USB is for power. But if you have the right sort of program installed you can get digital audio out of a USB. If you look for VGA+Audio to HDMI then you will see your options. You won't need fancy upscalers that can do 4k or refresh rates of 50/60 frames a second. Just 1080P and 25/30fps will be fine I am sure. Update: Just read the advertisement and it says USB is for power
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