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Lady Elanore

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Everything posted by Lady Elanore

  1. I would give you a 'cool' style button if it was possible. A like doesn't seem good enough
  2. Hmmmm, a little bit of a tweak and I think I could live with that Something Citroeneey about it
  3. It seems doubly cruel that he couldn't receive the vaccine because of medication he was on for pneumonia. If anyone deserved the vaccine...
  4. Super sad news. Captain Tom lost his last fight What a fine gent. Inspirational to all. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-55881753
  5. Btw did you follow his beautiful Espada series? Utterly gorgeous. Although I am still not sure about his roof mod.
  6. Harry has become a firm favourite for me. Harry, Steve Sutcliffe (probably my favourite road tester) and Chris Harris are a class above the rest in my book. Harris is a slightly younger version of Steve Sutcliffe, but I don't think there is anyone comparable to Harry. He doesn't just spout the press junket, he is first and foremost a car fan and gives snippet of info that are fascinating. His depth of knowledge is astounding. Perhaps it's a voice thing? I do like a man with a calm voice, rather than the usual histrionics that car reviewers have these days and that ruddy forced laughter they all eschew!!!! Don't get me started Mat Watson (I do like the Car Wow 'stick of truth' however)
  7. When I saw this thread title the first movie that sprung to mind was Vanishing Point....then I read your post. Great movie. Drive with Ryan Gosling The Driver with Ryan O'Neil (he does a great job of removing a car door in a car park..his own driving too. and all Herbie films (you know you want to), but not 'Cars' the animated franchise. .
  8. The Amazon Echo 3 is still available. I've a mixture of Amazon and Google devices and I find Amazon devices perform slightly slicker and integrate very easily with other smart things, but Google is much more able overall as you don't have to use key phrases. I guess this comes down to it's super advanced speech AI stuff. The Amazon stuff sounds a little better than the Google stuff overall I think (although not a huge amount in it), but in a busy and noisy kitchen, smart speakers are quite useful when you ask them to perform"louder" to overcome extractor fan noise and your hands are full/wet and you don't want to touch the speaker. There are other options like the Google Home Hub, which is a small tablet with built-in speaker. It doesn't sound great, but you could Bluetooth link it to a Bluetooth speaker of your choice and control the audio with voice commands from the google device. That way you get the best of both worlds and a handy voice controlled tablet to boot. https://www.amazon.co.uk/amazon-echo-3rd-generation-smart-speaker-with-alexa/dp/B07V1KH27C?th=1
  9. I love electric cars and electric car drivers, they offset the enormous amount of damage to the atmosphere that my cars do
  10. My old Chemistry teacher used to quote "to a mouse" at every chance. Never found out why though He also wrote 'Mae the mousie in yer meal powk n'er leave with a tear in it's eye'. I think it was because he figured we didn't know what a girnal was....and he would have been correct, as the internet hadn't been invented for us to find out
  11. I think Hoover do some 70cm wide American style fridges, which aren’t quite so big, they might even be called 'Slim American Style FF'
  12. It's 20+ years old and I couldn't in all consciousness give it to someone else in case it did something awful. The compressor is a bit noisy these days. Would need a PAT certificate if I sold it.
  13. Funnily enough I have just moved frozen goods from my old 2 draw freezer (part of old fridge freezer) and put them into the new 3 draw freezer. New freezer is barely any bigger in capacity thanks to it being Frost Free and the increased gubbins that go with it, as well as better insulation of course. Looking forward to getting the Samsung. Should give me around 170 litres of combined freeze capacity. Great for bulky things like bread, which I eat a lot of nowadays, as it's hard to find food on site anymore while I am working outdoors (I used to love fish and chips from next to the footie grounds. I'm actually quite excite at the thoughts of having separate draws for frozen veg, bread, meat etc. Who said I don't have a life? A bonus of having the freezer first is I can do a proper defrost for fridge collection, as I don't have to worry about spoiling frozen goods and as it's cold enough outside, I can hang up a bin bag with my fridge contents during the defrost (it will be a big job I fear )
  14. I've just had a mini freezer delivered from Appliance World, they have been excellent. Ordered it on Wednesday and even though they don't do specific times for delivery, they roughly accommodated my wishes. Would have loved a bigger fridge freezer but space and shape of kitchen means the Samsung fridge freezer plus this mini freezer should be perfect. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier, as my job means often getting back from working away and nothing to eat when I get in. Or if I do some batch cooking, I can't freeze things like bread due to lack of space. Beko is humming away at the moment busy chilling down. I was a bit alarmed that it didn't simply go into freeze mode and the compressor solidly for a few hours. It seems to be doing it in steps and having a think about things as it goes - at least I hope that's what it is doing. Hopefully the Samsung will land in 10 days or there abouts
  15. What fridge did you buy in the end? (I posted in your fridge thread earlier)
  16. I probably could have worded that better ^^^
  17. the control panel that looks like a mini tablet looks like it might be fun
  18. Hmm, I had a look at that and I was a little surprised. I had a look at the Argos site and for £12.50 they can give me an evening slot for delivery on a Samsung FF. As it happens I had a little over a £100 on my Nectar card so that was a nice unexpected discount! I think you can guess I've bought the Samsung, unfortunately it's black, so no doubt it will be covered in the usual dinks, just more visible in fingerprint black I don't mind as long as they are not on the doors or damaging the rear radiator.
  19. Bit of a thread revival. I'm looking at a new fridge freezer as my current one is not only a little too small but the compressor pump is starting to sound a bit 'tired'. It is 20+ years old, so it's not done too badly. I've looked at a Samsung and can fit this model in the alcove in my kitchen (I have a height restriction of 179 cm). Trouble is I need a timed delivery and only Currys can do this (the fridge is out of stock at local suppliers). I am trying to avoid Currys as they gave rotten service the last two times I tried to order anything from them. They screwed up a paid delivery on both orders and I ended up cancelling both items subsequently ....grrrr The other option I have is Liebherr fridge which fits even better and has all the features I require. The only thing is they are a bit pricey and I wonder if you get what you pay for in this instance. I have several Samsung bits of kit (phones, tvs, tablets, washing machine etc) and they have all been exemplary in service, but as I am struggling to find the Samsung fridge I want and also be able to set a delivery time, the Liebherr is a better option as it is physically a better fit, I can set a delivery time and it is allegedly a decent fridge. Anyone know if Leibherr are as good as they claim? Are they worth the extra outlay?
  20. I went imperial for a moment with 1/2 mile rather than 1/2 Km. Sign of my age.
  21. If you get a teeny weeny drone I recommend one of these stuck on to it https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HN8XKHL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's super light and extraordinarily bright. When you fly your drone away from you it disappears from sight very very quickly and that is not allowed!! But stick the superbright flashing light on the drone and you can see it half a mile away. It's not such a problem when the drone is returning to you as it's easier to get a fix on it, or at least I find it easier to find in the sky.
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