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Posts posted by Dinski

  1. I still use zaino z5 it's a quality product, there's nothing it doesn't do I'd highly rate it and it's in that bundle you are looking at. I think it's still the newest product they do, unless I've missed some.

    It's a good deal though, I don't think you will go far wrong with that little lot.

  2. Well like the title says I've given in to the sales, got this little lot from i4 detailing due to their 15% off code.

    Tbf I need a body prep/cleaner and I've been wanting to try this for a while. And before anyone says why 2 bottles? Well it's because it was the same price for 2x 500ml as a 1 litre bottle and I like to re use the bottles so it made sense in my head.

    Been wanting to try beading marvellous since its release so I can now sample it :)

    As for the iron 5litre again I've run out so I'm not just buying for the sake like usual. And again trying another I've not tried yet, heard good things and seen some good comparison pics.

    Gloves again run out.

    And cure well it will be the first time I've used it, again heard good things, but I do have similar products so this was not needed really but it will be fun trying.

    Seems weird I've actually got a reason to buy this haul (run out) but yet I'm justifying it to myself lol


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  3. It won't be easy Chris. I used to have a Toyota land cruiser Amazon as a company car and that used to take a full weekend to detail.

    And it was murder to do the roof with it being so high.

    At least Chris chances are it's a pick up so half the back end is missing anyway... :)

  4. I don't use the reel attached to the unit itself, I took it off because it was getting kinked. So I now just store it in the garage between 2 hooks.

    It's deffinatly worth that price in fact it's an absolute steal.

    Hope you get on with it well, I've not had any problems with mine, but the 2 kartchers I had before that kept braking down.

  5. Likewise; just finishing a bottle of G5 after 2 years; plus got another bottle of G5 Dinski kindly gave me.

    Also got some Glaco to use up as well; but i will monitor the feedback on Aquapel/Trico etc.

    Glaco also gets my vote one of the easiest to apply ever with its roll on style pad, hazes well so it's easy to see where you have been and works a treat. Ghost rider still trumps this for me though, but glaco is recommended for ease of application if nothing else.

  6. Not a present. No

    Wanted one for a while, but couldnt face paying nearly £400 for one

    So when this Sale came about I jumped in...

    Bought a smaller backing plate too from i4Detailing and paid only £30 for it in their Xmas Sale

    All in all ...Happy

    Trying to sell my CYC DAS 12E Polisher now...So far no bites

    Doesnt help that another magically appeared in the Classifeds at the same time too...Just coincidence I'm sure

    Can't imagine you struggling to sell the 21e it's awesome, If I didn't have one I'd have snapped it up.

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