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Posts posted by Dinski

  1. I think it's a very personal preference really. Myself and a lot of other members are now using the red foam applicators from eBay.

    But the Nippon shine applicators dual sided ones are really nice to use, one of the best I've used tbh they make spreading wax feel like butter!

    What your using is quality though so i wouldn't worry about changing unless money is the issue, it's an expensive applicator your using really.

    But like Karl said if, your not doing it by hand you could consider a DA however your limited to liquid wax then, but it's obviously great for your polish and glazes.

  2. Yup pro32 is pretty much just a qd with a bit of protection, the abyss is a full on sealant. Expect a good 4-6 month out of it with ease.

    Wipes the floor with p32 but you could use both together and top up abyss with p32 every now and then. Although I would recommend rapid revenge over p32 as a top up for abyss.

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  3. Ok ok I get the message..... if the weather is suitable and it gets here in time it could be a busy day off on Thursday. It shouldn't need ironx and tardis all over as I've not long done it. I have a choice of Farecla paint restorer or lime prime light I could use with my megs 220 and a yellow pad? or AG high dev cleaner by hand. Will one of those be enough to get it prepped and if so which one would be best?

    I'd go with the lime prime ;)
  4. I do know that many of us are addicted to buying and trying new products

    It's a bit of an obsession which I'm sure we will grow out of ...eventually....cough

    I would love to stick to just one product.

    There are so many out there ..it's like trying to find the Holy Grail!,...but not with this homemade one..lol

    I can't imagine growing out of it tbh Chris lol.

  5. Well I hope not LOL. Thing is I only did my winter detail a few weeks ago and I have trouble resisting a bargain so do I strip the jetseal off and try some hellshine or pace the garage for 5 months.......

    Easiest question ever... Strip it!!! Bring on the hellshine!

  6. So it shows how much I know about the company, they have gone through a name change, they are now Optiline but product names are staying the same so Optishine is the wax and optigloss is the Detailer, after having a conversation with Steve today he sent me some pictures of what he expects the new logo to look like.

    And I like it, let me know what you guys think. I will try get these new logos for the bottles before the raffle and charity event ends.



    These products really are quality and Steve is doing everything to make this a premium product, so when he gives me a limited number for sale at a discounted price, I think you guys are in for a treat.

  7. I see a lot of people using that one. Didn't realise it's a liquid.


    Have you tried it?


    I have as a few members on Briskoda have. It's a cracking wax very easy on off and good durability and it smells lovely. The fact that it can be used by machine made it a lot more fun for me.

  8. 1. Mr & Mrs Goldfinger.

    2,Vrsadz - superb

    3, blueR36--- blueR36 ! (Gill says she'll go if Sarah does)

    4. ChrisRsDetailing--and Mrs. ChrisRsDetailing---Octavia vRS

    5. sharkrider + Black & white (fabia II vRS estate, or citigo, depending on how strapped we feel! (or eunos roadster if its sunny and dry!) pmsl.) [must stop buying cars...]

    6. Kermit82 - Lupo GTI

    7. Mike & Kim (2 x Octavias)

    8. Dinski & Dinskis wife 1 possibly 2 yeti L&k's

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