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Hoses are on.

Monkey Boy

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Took about 2 hours to fit but went on ok.



Also got my gauges in but oil pressure still to be wired up.


Finnaly got my plates transfered as well.


Got to clean the engine bay when the rain stops and put the engine covers back on.

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those look great how much were they and where did you get them?

does your engine bay really need cleaning:D how do you keep it looking so clean?

also do your bonnet lifters work properly(lift the bonnet without assistance)as i have supersport ones and i have to lift the bonnet myself but once up it stays:confused:

cheers nat

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Engine Code is AUQ but parts are for Golf did not say engine code on them.

Thx Dude :thumbup: By any chance do you remember the part number you used to order it from Awesome??

Thx again :cheers:

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IIRC Samco hoses are supposed to hold shape better than standard hoses when under higher boost and water pressure conditions.

Other than that they hold no gains other than looking the dogs danglies.

Paul - If you read this soon'ish can you have a chat with your mate about tinting the windows on mine... think i'm going for the same as your side windows all round. 30% wasnt it !?

the cars looking superb, but theres no change there... all your cars do / did !

Cheers matey

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