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Silver Seal - Yes or No?


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Hey all...just been chatting to the dealer, and they have recommended me to have the silver seal treatment. Apparently (according to them), it's really quite good, and protects your paintwork from the elements, and makes it easier to remove tar spots and industrial fallout etc. Also good for the carpets and upholstery. Was just wondering if any of you guys (and gals) had it on your car, and whether you would recommend it...



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No and no. You could buy a fair few Swissol products for the price of the silver seal treatment and end up with a far superior finish.

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Contact Mark Waz Wizard. He does something similar, but it uses Swissol products. You get to keep what he uses. Gives the car an excellent finish.

Well worth it IMHO.

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I have had both my Octy and Superb Amazing Glazed by the dealer prior to my taking delivery, and I am very happy with it...and it complements Swissol perfectly.

The old Octy had excellent paintwork when it went aged 4.5 years, looking almost as good as new.

OK, so Swissol is very good, and Waxwizard may do his own, but I would always have a new car treated with something like a paint sealer prior to handover...and at

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Hey all...just been chatting to the dealer' date=' and they have recommended me to have the silver seal treatment. Apparently (according to them), it's really quite good, and protects your paintwork from the elements, and makes it easier to remove tar spots and industrial fallout etc. Also good for the carpets and upholstery. Was just wondering if any of you guys (and gals) had it on your car, and whether you would recommend it...



Silver Seal is pretty good stuff... not as good as some other sealants, but this should mean that you are paying less for it... no?

I'l let you into a secret. What tends to happen with dealerships and their sealants is that head office buys them. They then sell them to the parts department at a profit. Parts dept. then sells them on to the sales dept at a profit. And to encourage the salesman to sell it, they offer them a large commission.

So after pushing the price up, they then go and spoil it all by paying

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It's true, they may not be as glossy as Swissol (Or Snake-oil as it's known in the industry) but they do a different job.

So what do you use when valeting a car? Very curious at this point in time.

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Contact Mark Waz Wizard. He does something similar' date=' but it uses Swissol products. You get to keep what he uses. Gives the car an excellent finish.

Well worth it IMHO.[/quote']

Is marks an actual sealant?

If so, how long does it last, and does he have a website?

I was a bit reluctant to let the dealer do it as they probably won't polish it up very well in the first place, therefore sealing in a certain amount of fallout/tar spots etc.



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So in one day we've seen Swissol rubbished, Mark's peanut butter tip derided and Meguire's (sp) promoted (co-incidentally pushed on the Clean Image website too).

Oh dear, i'm going all cynical again :)


I'd be happy to demonstrate Snake-Oil...ooops i mean Swissol to you sometime.

I'm notoriously hard to convince, but even i have to admit it's good stuff. But then again i'm just someone spending his own money and not selling stuff ;)

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So what do you use when valeting a car? Very curious at this point in time.

Good question... wish I knew the answer!

Seriously though, we use a mixture of trade products, the Gaffer here has been in the business for 20 years and know his stuff, he has tried just about everything.

Until a few years ago, we used a lot of Auto Glym, but to be honest, this was only really because the customers like to see brand names. so when AutoGlym got difficult with us, (poor customer service and unreliable) we dumped them altogether.

Now we use a mixture, some are AutoSmart, some are specially made for us to our requirements and re-branded in our bottles.

We have a long life wax which last 5 months. (We tested it, we say it lasts 5 months, not the manufacturer). We also have an ivory wax which is good on light coloured cars. A wax which is good on dark cars and a wax which has some cut to it.

We are also using some hybrid wax/synthetic/sealants, by Meguiars and a company called Glare from America. They work wonders on cars with bad swirl marks. we like the Meguiar's professional range on the whole.

As of this very moment, most of our customers are not over concerned about maximum shine. They want protection. But we are finding more and more enthusiasts comming to us for our other services. So we are testing the very best waxes. So far we have found that most are a tad over rated and over priced. I started looking at waxes from America, they pointed me to waxes which were German, turned out they wern't german, they were American. Another sales gimmic...

I get the feeling having read another thread on this site that I may be treading on someones toes by doing down the boutique products. It's a subject which causes much debate on the professional detailing forums of which there are a number in America. If you are wondering about such products, it may be worth paying them a visit. I'm not saying you wil hear unbiased opinion. But you will hear all sides of the argument. You will probably also find the opinions of automotive chemists who have run lab analysis and carried out extensive testing. You may even be able to get them to e-mail you the results.

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So in one day we've seen Swissol rubbished' date=' Mark's peanut butter tip derided and Meguire's (sp) promoted (co-incidentally pushed on the Clean Image website too).

Oh dear, i'm going all cynical again :)


I'd be happy to demonstrate Snake-Oil...ooops i mean Swissol to you sometime.

I'm notoriously hard to convince, but even i have to admit it's good stuff. But then again i'm just someone spending his own money and not selling stuff ;)[/quote']

You must be slowing down in your old age Geoff. I was expecting that post a couple of hours ago :D

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Ventmore' date='

I'd be happy to demonstrate Snake-Oil...ooops i mean Swissol to you sometime.

I'm notoriously hard to convince, but even i have to admit it's good stuff. But then again i'm just someone spending his own money and not selling stuff ;)[/quote']

:thumbup: Cheers Geoff, might take you up on that. I often have to go places like British Steel for work, so I really do need a good product...

Has anybody had the waxwizard sealant treatment?



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So in one day we've seen Swissol rubbished' date=' Mark's peanut butter tip derided and Meguire's (sp) promoted (co-incidentally pushed on the Clean Image website too).

Oh dear, i'm going all cynical again :)


I'd be happy to demonstrate Snake-Oil...ooops i mean Swissol to you sometime.

I'm notoriously hard to convince, but even i have to admit it's good stuff. But then again i'm just someone spending his own money and not selling stuff ;)[/quote']

Actually, i have been on to Meguiars for most of the day... As it says on the web site, we WERE going to sell their products. Now we have decided against it at least for the time being. Although we will continue to use some of thier professional range as they make products which other companys dont do. We won't be selling their stuff retail. besides I could make more money selling Swissol... don't think I haven't courted them also. I don't deny that it's good stuff, but don't think its much better than some other products.

I'm not even sure Meguiars is worth the extra money for some of it's products. In recent tests, Iv'e seen it come behind Turtle Wax!

Basically, the market is feice at the mo. Lots of new stuff comming out and we will wait and see which company comes out on top.

Honestly, this is a fashion thing. If you go to many car British forums, they will be raving about Meguirars products which American enthusiasts wouldn't be seen dead using... they have moved on to the professional and bodyshop ranges. you also have Mothers, Poor Boy's and many many more.

I want my company to sell the best. But I can't afford to sell something which has become unfashionable... that would be dumb. So i have to wait and see.

so no, I am not pushing Meguirars. If I were, I would just be pushing you into the arms of potential competitors as we don't sell the stuff yet (if ever).

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Mark did the sealant on mine. Only the second time I've had a car with it on. First was the wife's, who had a Diamondglaze or silver whatnot on it. After 18 months it was stuffed.

Mark's seems to be going strong and it still feels smooth. His is guaranteed for 10 years. Got mine done at the same time as he was cleaning Stuart and Wendy's cars so the price was excellent, especially as I already had the wax from my last car so didn't need anymore cleaning stuff.

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