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millers diesel power sport 4. will it damage pd engine?


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millers diesel power sport 4, anyone used it on there vrs? was thinkin of gettin some. will it do any damage on the pd engine?

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I've used it religiously and generously for a long time. I reckon 15 to 20 litres of the stuff has gone through my engine since I started using it. No issues. :)

Devonutopia (& others), do you folks run this all the time or just on occasions (track days, etc)?

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I presume most of you are using it with a higher brand fuel?

I've been using Asda's diesel with Millers Diesel Power Sport 4, didn't really see many benefits from it. Didn't feel any more poke...neither did i see any benefit from mpg.

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I'm using it religiously with the cheapest fuel I can find. I think because my car was mapped on normal diesel, it runs better on it. Never seen a benefit. So any time I go to the pump, usually around 60ml (A generous dash anyway, never accurately measured :D) gets chucked in the tank along with the 40 to 45 litres of diesel. :)

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I have used it with Tesco's and Asda's fuel, no noticeable difference in MPG, running or smoke.

It does however make SHMBO's engine run quieter (Fiesta TDCi)

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10-20 down sounds wrong, certainly never seen that on any other cars.

Yes, I was suprised as well. I'd previously used BP Ultimate but changed to normal BP diesel with the Millers. I've only used it in 3 tank fulls so far but the mpg on all 3 tanks is 10 - 20 miles down on the BP Ultimate :confused:. Last weekend I had a good run on the motorway to VW Festival, on top of my normal drive, but still only just managed to get over 400 miles out of the tank.

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Another one for Millers Diesel Sport 4 here.

Starting to smooth out my standard 1.9 VAG block now, but it's still early days (11K)

However, I used it in the previous 1.9 (TDI PD 130) - remapped to 176-197bhp ish, double dose of Millers, Shell Diesel Extra.........now that was an absolute scream :)

No damage at all (unless you count the frontal impact......:o)

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