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Star Performance, Kirkcaldy...


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A while back I'd chatted with a guy from there whose email I have lost - I'm looking to get my 53 plate Octavia vRS serviced in the next couple of months and I wanted to chat through prices and what else I can get done at the same time. I've decided that whilst my regular garage can service quite adequately, they might not know the finer details of keeping the car in tip top performance and so for this service I reckon I want it to be done by a specialist.

So, I'm thinking SP in Kirkcaldy but want to find out what to expect for a service (sitting at 44K right now, in good shape except for temp sensor (see other thread)) and I'm still considering a bit of a remap and perhaps fine-tune too. Those last two can't be done by my regular guy, of course ;)

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various really, doing work that they were told not to do anyway as they felt like it, poor correspondence, telling me my engine was fubar when in reality nothing was wrong with it when infact it was the turbo they had just supplied and fitted that was at fault, slightly dodgy fitting of parts(grinding bolt heads in half to make fitting easier etc etc etc

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various really, doing work that they were told not to do anyway as they felt like it, poor correspondence, telling me my engine was fubar when in reality nothing was wrong with it when infact it was the turbo they had just supplied and fitted that was at fault, slightly dodgy fitting of parts(grinding bolt heads in half to make fitting easier etc etc etc

not to mention washing their hands of the whole situation when it arose that the turbo was actually ****e and pretty much not fit for purpose (it was so poor that Turbo Dynamics wouldn't put it back together after inspecting it as they didn't want to be associated with it if it was refitted and used) and telling you to go directly to ATP...

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not to mention washing their hands of the whole situation when it arose that the turbo was actually ****e and pretty much not fit for purpose (it was so poor that Turbo Dynamics wouldn't put it back together after inspecting it as they didn't want to be associated with it if it was refitted and used) and telling you to go directly to ATP...

Yeah, because thats the complete story isnt it :rolleyes:

As above I have used them for 13 years and had no problems, audi driver Magazine dont just give away awards.


I dont disagree that Bengie might not be happy but worth taking a balanced view and getting the full story.

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Yeah, because thats the complete story isnt it :rolleyes:

As above I have used them for 13 years and had no problems, audi driver Magazine dont just give away awards.


I dont disagree that Bengie might not be happy but worth taking a balanced view and getting the full story.

full story? unless my brother has outright lied to my face, I'd say I'm fairly aware of the story ;)

I've seen the smoke the car produced, I've seen the pipes blanked off with bolts, I've seen how it drove when it was driving badly.

I was there when Jim said they'd call if there were any problems, they didn't call and the problems they came across meant that the flights we'd booked to collect the car were wasted. I was there when Jim said they wouldn't do or fit anything without checking first yet they fitted a BMC CDA, forge DV and manual boost controller off their own backs. I've read the report from Turbo Dynamics and I've seen the turbo (it's sat in a box next to the sofa)

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Yeah, because thats the complete story isnt it :rolleyes:

As above I have used them for 13 years and had no problems, audi driver Magazine dont just give away awards.


I dont disagree that Bengie might not be happy but worth taking a balanced view and getting the full story.

can you please fill me in on the rest of the ****ing story seeing as you know more about it than me. As said Andrew went with me to deliver and collect the car and had been involved with the planning long before star and knows the history and current state of the car just as well as i do. and nothing he has said has been anything but 100% accurate.

if you want I'll sit here and write a massive thread detailing the exact goings on of the whole debacle including costs if you really want and post the report from turbo dynamics.

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can you please fill me in on the rest of the ****ing story seeing as you know more about it than me. As said Andrew went with me to deliver and collect the car and had been involved with the planning long before star and knows the history and current state of the car just as well as i do. and nothing he has said has been anything but 100% accurate.

if you want I'll sit here and write a massive thread detailing the exact goings on of the whole debacle including costs if you really want and post the report from turbo dynamics.

:rolleyes: Do as you please mate, Im just telling the chap that he should take a balanced view and not just one bad view from one person, and in the interests of fairness not just one good one from me either, I think theres alot of satisfied people on here, including me and for the record other than customer loyalty I have no connection with Star.

I'll let you toddle off and calm since your resorting to testing the swear filter at the moment, but if you are claiming that post 8 is the ENTIRE story then something has went amiss, warranty period? Yes the products may have been poor but as a reseller at that time (Not any longer) unless the kit was opened up invalidating the warranty there and then, who was to know .

anyway, as I said, just offering a balanced view, so maybe all the panties will begin un-bunching now.

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sorry i just didn't like way Andrew's post was called factually incorrect when he was there with me through the whole process by someone that had nothing to do with it :)

and yes that is the entire story with nothing but trivial chatter cut out. The basic facts are all there and all true.

but as i said very early on i'm sure others(like you) have had a better experience :)

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sorry but your post doesn't reflect the truth of the whole affair so i have to disagree with you on knowledge of the matter, your only really going to know what Jim wants you to know and only in the way he would have put it to you.

but everything that has been posted by myself or andrew is completely acurate, if you like ask Ross(Lummox) how some of the installation was done as he is the one that has taken it apart.

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ask Ross(Lummox) how some of the installation was done as he is the one that has taken it apart.

Wasnt that part of the problem? If you have a problem with a sainsbury's product you dont take it back to Tesco.

Glad your getting it sorted now though. :)

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not really, ross didn't touch the car until a good 12 months after i broke the gearbox. admitidly yes he's the one that removed the turbo but how were we to know the turbo was at fault when we were removing the suposedly broken engine(based on what jim had told us) and i only sent the turbo to get checked over and possibly modified simply because it would have been a missed oppertunity, bloody glad i did now as otherwise we simply would have bolted the fubar turbo back on and been no better off after many hours work.

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Wasnt that part of the problem? If you have a problem with a sainsbury's product you dont take it back to Tesco.

Glad your getting it sorted now though. :)

part of the problem is that when Ben told Star that the turbo was naff they straight away suggested sending it to TD to get rebuilt, when he told them that's were it was and that's who'd said it was no good Star's stand then became they were no longer an ATP reseller and that he should go directly to them - he did try going back to where he got it from but they were less than interested :thumbdwn:

if you feel anyone's been having a pop at you, trust me that's not intentional but basically being told that what I know happened didn't happen doesn't sit all that well :o


he's pretty much put in the past now and is just looking forward to getting his car back on the road, but if people are going to ask for experience of Star he's not going to bit his tongue any more than you are. like you say; it's good to know the bad as well as the good so the choice you make is as informed is possible :)

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Can I just suggest that, given the locations of the "happy majority" and the "unhappy minority" the moral of this story is to never take a car past several experts to get it to one way further away, or so it seems to me.

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OK, folks, thanks, um, er, for this illuminating advice.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet - I'm swithering over doing any mods at all, as the car drives very well and money isn't exactly plentiful in these times of financial woe, but I would prefer somewhere nearby should any problems arise. So, seeing how a company treats its customers afterwards is as important as their pricing and so on.

All this said and done, if SP could do a remap for a bit less than the four hundred quid I'd be more inclined to take the plunge. When you see remaps available elsewhere for quite a bit less you do have to wonder what extra value a company is offering to justify that extra expense...

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Can I just suggest that, given the locations of the "happy majority" and the "unhappy minority" the moral of this story is to never take a car past several experts to get it to one way further away, or so it seems to me.

thats all well and good but when the rest of the "experts" are just as bad(in my experience) it was worth a shot, i've been to the top and bottom of the UK to get work done and the only reliable place i have found so far is my bestest mate Ross, he's been more reliable, cheaper, more honest and quicker than the rest!! shame he doesn't do remaps yet! :D

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I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet - I'm swithering over doing any mods at all, as the car drives very well and money isn't exactly plentiful in these times of financial woe, but I would prefer somewhere nearby should any problems arise. So, seeing how a company treats its customers afterwards is as important as their pricing and so on.

When you see remaps available elsewhere for quite a bit less you do have to wonder what extra value a company is offering to justify that extra expense...

As said before,in one of your other posts on the same subject, you cannot get more local to Edinburgh than Roseisle in Whitecraig.As to price I think you get what you pay for, the Forge ipro map is is a well tried and tested map from O.C.T which is fully TUV approved and it does wat it says on the tin, Had my car on the dyno at Roseisle after remap,and results were almost exactly as promised.

Edited by kenny rsell
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