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had my vrs clutched and mapped yesterday!


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got my furby a sachs clutch and remap yesterday at jabba, 179bhp and 340 torque was the result!!! bloody wish they could have just found 1bhp more from somewhere though! lol:( really pleased with the results though. had to take it back though straight away because i noticed my steerin wheel was not straight? had wait an extra hour for them to do the trackin which was a bummer because i had a 3 hour drive to get back but it was sorted. now time to save for big turbo and intercooler!:thumbup:

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got my furby a sachs clutch and remap yesterday at jabba, 179bhp and 340 torque was the result!!! bloody wish they could have just found 1bhp more from somewhere though! lol:( really pleased with the results though. had to take it back though straight away because i noticed my steerin wheel was not straight? had wait an extra hour for them to do the trackin which was a bummer because i had a 3 hour drive to get back but it was sorted. now time to save for big turbo and intercooler!:thumbup:

sounds similar to the work i had done. did jabba do it for you?

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Nice one mike. Any chance of posting your graph?

erm ill try, not the best with computers but ill see if i can get my bro to do it for me. drive home was a cracker, just spoiled it a little with there bein loads of traffic and bloody rain! i think the clutch is a must to get the best from your map!:thumbup:

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sounds similar to the work i had done. did jabba do it for you?

yeah jabba did. couldnt find the dam place at first! think they need a bigger sign on the main road, the address is very miss leading, you end up thinkin its somewhere on that housing estate. :mad:

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Sounds very much like the setup and map I had from them last Sept :)

Although you seem to be running a bit more torque.


did you have the clutch done too? what torque did ya get?

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Know what you mean about the location. I ended up on the road on the left, by the garden centre - then rang them up :) Been there three times now, so know the score....

Yeah, had a custom map, plus a Sachs organic clutch fitted. Still running an original DMF. Now running a larger turbo and had the map adjusted, still with the same clutch/flywheel setup :thumbup:


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Know what you mean about the location. I ended up on the road on the left, by the garden centre - then rang them up :) Been there three times now, so know the score....

Yeah, had a custom map, plus a Sachs organic clutch fitted. Still running an original DMF. Now running a larger turbo and had the map adjusted, still with the same clutch/flywheel setup :thumbup:


and ya results?

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and ya results?

Don't have the Jabba RR result to hand, but 177bhp and 293 lb/ft at Awesome. Went for a smooth and progressive as possible, hence the reduction in torque compared with your results:


Currently 200bhp and 370lb/ft (Jabba figures) with another Awesome run coming up. But there might be a bit of tweaking before then, to try and get the power up a bit.


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Don't have the Jabba RR result to hand, but 177bhp and 293 lb/ft at Awesome. Went for a smooth and progressive as possible, hence the reduction in torque compared with your results:


Currently 200bhp and 370lb/ft (Jabba figures) with another Awesome run coming up. But there might be a bit of tweaking before then, to try and get the power up a bit.


370lb/ft torque Steve??? I didnt know your car was running that kind of power!!! Must be kinda quick!!;)


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Oh yes - check post 122 of my Member's Car thread :D

Which then led onto tweaking as per post 136 :P

Yep, it trundles along quite nicely. A few 'rough edges' need ironing out at the bottom end, suspicion being that the vacuum box might need replacing. Which might explain why I'm a bit down on BHP...


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Oh yes - check post 122 of my Member's Car thread :D

Which then led onto tweaking as per post 136 :P

Yep, it trundles along quite nicely. A few 'rough edges' need ironing out at the bottom end, suspicion being that the vacuum box might need replacing. Which might explain why I'm a bit down on BHP...


Very, very nice mate:cool:


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No issues with standard DMF here. And if I do start to have problems, I'll replace it with another DMF.

Single-mass isn't the answer I feel, you just send the vibrations further down the drivetrain.


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No issues with standard DMF here. And if I do start to have problems, I'll replace it with another DMF.

Single-mass isn't the answer I feel, you just send the vibrations further down the drivetrain.


Quite agree there Steve :thumbup:

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