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Want to recommend a fabia 2 to a friend but...

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i got a 1.2 70 bhp and it costs me 25 - 30 punds to fill and i get about 50 - 60 mpg so the 1.2 is great for fewer miles

Maybe it's my driving but I don't get anything like your splendid figures for the 1.2 70hp.However I wouldn't swap it for the diesel as I rather like its characterful engine note and the consistent manner of power delivery throughout the rev range.Furthermore,at 7450 miles the car clearly has yet to give of its best so I look forward to improvements to come.

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I've steered him in the direction of a nearly new 1.9 TDI. Should do the business for both power and economy but also told him to try the 1.4 TDI 80. I think the VW Diesels are unique in feeling extremely strong, indeed the 105 BHP felt nearly as strong as my VRS low down.

Just on a personal note about the 1.2 HTP 70: I think economy is how you drive it. I have had one as a courtesy car and the engine is very free revving. If you are encouraged to hold on to those revs you will see the economy plummet ( I did) but am sure the higher figures are available if driven with restraint.

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I would go for the diesel's in my opinion, I would say the 1.4 tdi for the £35 a year road tax banding.

I've driven a couple of 1.6 Fabia 2's and the first one I drove I thought it was the 1.2!!

I've driven the 1.2 in a Ibiza and the engine is quite revvy and it's not too bad on the go, it is a bit noisy but a strong engine.

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Thats spot on.

A smaller engine when worked hard will use more fuel.

My sisters 1.0 Micra though does get good fuel economy now the tyres are changed, before it didnt beat my Skodas 42mpg but think it managed 48-50 with the new tyres.

My Skodas engine? In town the economy will plummet in stop start traffic. Motorways on a nice cruise will get 40mpg plus and is refined with its larger 1.6 engine where the 1.0 Micra buzz can get irritating at the same speed (65+)

Let us know what your friend chooses

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