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Setting window limits


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Sorry if this has been posted before.

To set the down limit, use the key in the door lock to put the windows down and when they're down fully hold the key for 3 seconds in that position. To set the up limit do the same turning the key in the opposite direction to put them up and hold for 3 seconds.

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I do love the putting the windows up/down with the iginition key feature. The first time I saw it on my Dad's old A4 I thought it was a wonderful device, and I didn't realise that Skodas had them too until I had bought the car :D Thats what you get for buying without a test-drive, eh?

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry guys to butt in like this...but me fabia's got a problem about windows auto lift.......where the windows move up & down automatically after holding the button momentarily.....

My apologies if this is a little out of place ....but I couldn't find a thread that's close to the problem that I'm facing.......

Me Fab was laid up for 5 weeks in a garage......and after connection to the battery I seem to have lost that aforesaid function......have even tried putting the windows up / down with the ignition ket on my door.......zero !!

Can someone enlighten me ......a humble Fabia owner from the Far east on the rather bewildering methods of doing this up doen window thingie ????




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Originally posted by GAFF in this post

Sorry if this has been posted before.

To set the down limit, use the key in the door lock to put the windows down and when they're down fully hold the key for 3 seconds in that position. To set the up limit do the same turning the key in the opposite direction to put them up and hold for 3 seconds.

cool feature heads up GAFF

Sorry C708....no idea?? unless its a vag-1552 thing??

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What's with these limits then for the uninitiated? I only found out recently you can close the windows with the key - are there more tricks too?

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With the (electric) windows open, lock the car with the key in the drivers door lock, turn so the doors lock then hold it in this position, the windows will then close automatically.

Hope this helps


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Originally posted by ncarring in this post

What's with these limits then for the uninitiated? I only found out recently you can close the windows with the key - are there more tricks too?

You can open them to, do the same thing in reverse

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Ah, no wonder I would have never found out about this. I exclusively use the remote CL for opening and closing the doors. Don't even know if the key fits the doorlock or not ;)


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Sweet - you learn something new every day! I always have my windows open (ah... the sound of that exhaust... :D ) so quite often i stop the car forgetting to close the windows. Very helpful!

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ok chaps quick lesson. 1. you can open/close all electric windows by holding key in drivers door lock barrell full over to lock/unlock postion (also closes sunroof but will not open).

2. you have a two position switch on electric window switches (on door panel) first postion window up/down manualy (when you release switch window stops) second postion is called "one touch" operation if you pull/push switch all the way windows will go all the way up or down without stopping. sometimes you can have a problem with "one touch" battery disconnection etc. to set your one touch operation again you used your "comfort closing/opening techique" as described in no 1.but hold the key over in the lock and unlock postions for approx 3 secs after window has gone up/down this will set the window up/down postions in the memory of your central locking control unit. hope you can understand and hope this helps.

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yeh loads probably work on loads of skoda's daily and getting new info day by day but with that much info have trouble remembering it all will let you know as and when i remember.

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Originally posted by bandit1 in this post

Big K,

Are there any other "user settings" on other parts of the car that can be set by the owner ??

Left myself "Wide Open" for comments about seating position, mirror position, choice of music etc.

Glad to see no-one took advantage though (yet)


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  • 2 months later...


to get back your one touch electric window function; with ingition on pull window button up and when it gets to the top hold it for a couple of seconds. Release then pull it up again for a couple fo seconds then release.

Should have the one touch function back.



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