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Touch Up Paint - Novice Question =C

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Hi guys,

I have a mark on my 04 Fabia VRS with teeny weeny bit of rust so I want to touch up to prevent further problems. So i rang skoda and got some touch up paint. Trouble is they gave me two sticks and no instructions =C. I have no idea what to do can anyone help.

At the moment the only thing i know is i need a bit of wet and dry paper (600 grade or something) to rub the area of rust off before i apply paint.

Help is very much appreciated.

P.S One of the sticks has a white top and the other black with red.

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do you have met paint? if so it could be that one stick is the base paint colour and the other is the clear varnish to go on top, be carefull with the varnish, its quite thick and very easy to end up with a bump!

Edited by Pud
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The car is silver so I guess its meatlic in color here is a pic of the car and what I got given hopefully you can see what i mean.Sorry im useless at cars stuff i just know what i like the look of lol.



Hopefully u can see the pic /crosses fingers

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As folk have said, one vial contains the base coat (silver) and the second is the clear lacquer. Trouble is that you need an ambient temperature of at least 15°C to use it. It's winter, so unless you have a heated garage, it won't be warm enough. As you are UK based, a company called 'Chips Away' will treat small paintwork blemishes for a small charge and you will barely be able to see it.

It's hard to do a good job with touch up paint. I clean the area thoroughly and use a tiny bit of cutting paste to smooth the edges and remove polish. I then use a very fine artist's brush to apply the base coat (very carefully). Leave to cure for 3 weeks.

Again, treat the area lightly with cutting paste, and then apply the top coat using a fine artist's brush. Leave to cure for 3 weeks, before polishing the treated area.

I did the above on a scratch on a metallic blue Corsa I had and it worked a treat, but you need the right temperature, patience and extreme care to get a good result. If you don't know what you're doing, get an expert to sort it for you. Avoids the risk of making any damage worse.

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Is the rust on the exposed metal due to a scratch or dint? Or has it just appeared on its own? If its the latter your car has a 10 year anti corrosion warranty from Skoda, only if its not due to denting etc though, if this is any help.

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I'd agree about not doing this job yourself unless you know that you have a natural flair for this sort of work, if you mess it up you will have acheived the same effect by painting a big red arrow adjacent to the repair site. I've also used cocktail sticks to "dab" the paint on and used a low powered hairdrier to try to get it to flow and dry - but I'm rubbish at it. Oh, and as far I've never used the clear laquer on metallics, I'd say that repairing small bits of paint damage successfully requires a lot of skill - making a big mess out of an almost invisible but quite annoying chip is very easy!

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IMO Id have a go. At the end of the day the area in question will need a professional job enentually but touch up will be more than enough for the time being. The 2 pots you were given will be your basecoat silver more than likely waterbased, then your lacquer. Have a hairdryer to hand to heat the area up before applying the basecoat then gently dry inbetween coats (2-3 max). Wouldnt recomend waiting 3 weeks for each coat to dry bit extreme plus if it rains your basecoat will dissapear! Repeat the process with the lacquer and hay presto rust the same color as your car!

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Hi guys sry it took me a while, here are the the two spots in question (i had to link location as i dont know hot to insert into my post sorry)

scratch on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

rust on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The one I am really worried about for now is the one that has a little rust on it. If I did get it done in a body shop would it be expensive and how do you find a trustworthy bodyshop. Sorry for all the questions its first time I have had a car that I really love so also first time i have wanted to do this sort of thing.

P.S sory about the dirty car but weather has been crappy all week and i need to go clean.

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