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How to remove glued roof scoop?Please help!!!


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Depends what glue was used. I'd suggest its probably a silkaflex type product, warming it with a heat gun on a low heat, and slicing through it with fishing wire is what I'd suggest.

However it will be a bugger to remove the glue completely, and you risk damaging the paint trying to do it.

A bodyshop shouldn't charge too much to spray the front of the roof for you if it does go pear shaped. :)

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It is only for design.:)

For gluing there was a primer used and then they supplied a one-component adhesive, which was black.

It never came to my head to use fishing wire...might be a good idea.Thanks.Only i do not have a heat gun---only a hairdryer :rofl:.

Edited by darrenvrs
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It there is no hole, then use hot water or steam to soften the adhesive. A hairdryer is probably better as they don't strip paint. The secret with wire is to pull it very tight. Last time I had to do something like this, I strung the wire on a hacksaw in place of the blade.

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I have used 50lb trace fishing line for similar purposes. :) It seems the more meaty the need, the more lb rating you need on the line. Simply 10lb stuff goes through fabia badge glue, but it sounds like you need something more beefy. ;)

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Thanks for all the advice!

Yesterday i`ve managed to take off the scoof, but now there is still some ugly:eek: primer and glue left over and i`m having difficulty removing those. Any ideas how to remove? See picture.Thanks.

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When I've had similar left over from badges, I just used elbow grease. Was a thumbnail job to ball up the gunk and pull off the roof. The left over residue came off with autoglym intensive tar remover. :)

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I am sorry, but my experiance with such adhesives tells me your screwed. Any solvent I can think of that will comer close to shifting that stuff will almost certainly damage the paint.

It's going be a flat off and respray I am afraid.

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I suspect it is polyurethane glue (it's black so makes me think it is), which although tough, is also flexible so "should" come off with persistence. Just don't use anything too tough on it. I would persist with the idea of a good strong thumbnail. :)

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Seeing that shot, I'd incline to the idea of a polyurethane glue as well. However, there's no way of dealing with a paint primer that doesn't involve flatting back, or stripping and repainting, that I know of.

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Hi, I`ve been working on the car for hours . Got rid of the glue completely -was a bit of a hard job.:eggface:primer wasn`t even ,had to flat down thick runs-used a very fine sandpaper. this is the best i could do.:turtle2:

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