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Finally fitted my Octavia Rear ARB


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Today, I finally made some quality time and got round to fitting my Neuspeed 28mm Rear ARB


All I can say is WOW, what a difference. It's dialled out all of the understeer my car previously suffered from. I wouldn't say it's quite Rear Wheel Drive style good... but it's certainly made me smile round Warrington's roundabouts this afternoon :)

(I got it from Awesome GTI for about 200 quid http://www.awesome-gti.co.uk/neuspeed.html it's the Golf IV fitment)

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drilling required to fit the drop links?had to do this on my cordoba,not a problem ,but i am certainly gonna buy another,top bit of stiffening stuff.btw how much and what flavours are the springs and dampers?


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it does indeed :)

I also have front upper and lower S3 braces which work a treat (even on standard suspension) and are "cheap as chips" definately "worth their money" :agree:


All these mods are progressive and to be honest I can't even remember what mine was like as standard these days. Definately better than my old cavalier caesaro though :)

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lol, i might be tempted now, ill wait and hear from rich what its like on standard suspension

Getting them (front and rear) fitted on Saturday so I'll let you know.

I'm (for 'I'm' read SWMBO) quite determined that this will be the last 'performance' mod. Purely cosmetic after this :D

Max Power enough ;)

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