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Can I modify my ECU and keep my warranty??


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I have been told that the best value for money for an increase in bhp is a remap or replacement chip. I have a standard Octavia vRS but still have 18 months warranty which I don't want to lose. Any suggestions as to how to do this mod and keep warranty?? Don't want to pay hundreds for that funky little switch box to switch back the ecu setting each time it goes in for a service.

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Only way I can think of is to approach your dealer and see if they offer remapping - I seem to remember a few weeks ago someone posted on here saying their dealer was offering Revo remaps which would be covered by the Skoda warranty..........


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My dealer said they would void my warranty on anything the mod affects - now a chip will basically void most of the engine mechanicals, electrical bits too. Will void gearbox/clutch too I should think. I'm out of warranty now so doesn't matter to me.

When I lowered my old car under warranty I was told I was voiding all suspension warranty, and wheel bearings, etc. If you can convince a dealer that a problem you see as a warranty issue, is in NO way affected by any mods, then there should be no probs... Seriously - speak to your dealer before taking any action - I've been very honest with mine, but that could be because warranty isn't an issue for me any more. :P

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Only way I can think of is to approach your dealer and see if they offer remapping - I seem to remember a few weeks ago someone posted on here saying their dealer was offering Revo remaps which would be covered by the Skoda warranty..........


Quite a few offer Revo but the nod and a wink is with the dealer not Skoda.

And please let's not mention the individual dealers publicly.

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we do a product there is no issues on factory warranty :)

OK, so I'll say it.

Could we please have a section for Galv and his Derv Doctors? No offense to you Galv but you push your own stuff alot on here and I really think the free advertising has to stop. I'm sure that if you had your own section (like Revo, Jabba, Star, JBS etc etc) that's where you'd post. Am I right?

It's not too long ago that we jumped on Techie (now Ross Clarke) for doing just this when he was with AMD. I'm sure the irony of this is not lost on him. We also have had more than one slap directed at James (JBS) for misbehaving. Now everyone plays nicely :D

And while I'm on a roll please don't give us that 'no issues on factory warranty' nonsense. Before anyone says it I know I've got Revo and that stealth is one of their selling points but anyone with an ounce of brain knows it's not invisible. Maybe it is to the mechanic who takes your car for a quick run or to the dealer who is having a cursory look but it is not invisible. If your insurance company or Skoda wanted to find it they'd find it. Suggesting otherwise is irresponsible behavior that misleads new owners looking to mod their motor.

There. I feel better now.

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It's not too long ago that we jumped on Techie (now Ross Clarke) for doing just this when he was with AMD. I'm sure the irony of this is not lost on him.

I just realised how annoying I must have been, took long enough, sorry chaps :thumbup:

Now a reformed helpfull Skoda techie :rofl:

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Check a few of Galv's posts, you'll find a recent one where i suggested that he contacted the site Admins for his own forum.

Therefore i think you'll find everyone isn't necessarily playing "nicely".

Cards on the table time...

I think ANYONE posting sly ads in the various areas of the site is well out of order. Briskoda is essentially a free service and there can be very few of us who have not benifitted in some way.

Colin & the team put in a lot of time & effort and my personal view is that all these businesses using the site as free advertising space instead of waiting for their "official" section is taking the pi55. Maybe the team do / do not mind, but that doesn't alter anything.

I honestly feel this sort of behaviour should be stamped on a little more forcefully than people who accidentally post in X area when it should be in Y, and also new members asking "the same old questions"....Give em a break FFS.

However it is to Galv's credit that he has never hidden the fact that he is a "business" member. :)


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I'll just add my 2p to this. The reason why Galv does not have his own section is because Briskoda is soon introducing a new way of dealing with commercial partners. Unfortunately for Galv it is taking longer than anticipated to get all the cogs to align and i's to dot. As said before, Galv is allowed to promote his products when he thinks it is appropriate, he just lacks the section to make it more official. Hope that helps explaining?

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OK, I'm going to continue with the ad break :D Think of it as semi-official sanctioning for you to reply ;)

Galv, how is your system undetectable?

Is it a "tuning box" for want of a better way of describing it? Having looked at the Van Aaken system, Tuning Box et al the only way they'd be detectable are if someone spots the new earthing point or the velcro / double sided tape that secures the in-line box.

Having seen other supposedly undetectable remaps, well truth be told, they are detectable, even with a rewrite of the original code. This, lets face it, isn't always possible anyway. For example, when my old one went bang the ECU was going to be sent to VAG technical in Milton Keynes for them to diagnose. I wouldn't have had a chance to replace the chip or get someone to upload my stored standard code. Even with a plug in unit of my own, if I'd uploaded my "standard" / generic code a trace would have been left.

Not having a pop, just very interested in what you've got.


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Fair enough. Changes are afoot apparently so we'll just have to be patient.


To be honest 'just this' was a bit strong. There's no need to apologise for ages ago. At the time it just washed over me :D


I have previously seen you mention a section for Galv and I agreed with you at the time hence my last post. What I meant by playing nicely was that after initial teething problems with tuners/mechanics/others in the trade etc posting and pushing their own thing we have now moved on. Moved on being the key here.

Galv (again),

I reckon you should drop the 'undetectable' bit altogether :D If you've got a good product then fair enough but let's not push it :D

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Its 100% back to standard once the orginal file has been uploaded via the diag port.

So basically the way to make it undetectable is to remove the map? Hardly an undetectable map, is it? :rolleyes:

Anyway, don't you think it's a bit dishonest that you're selling maps which will push the mechanics harder than factory-config, yet allow people to pretend their car is standard when it comes to claiming for warranty work?

Indeed, it seems almost fraudulant. And who ends up paying for all this warranty work? The customers. Which, as the owner of a standard car, I think is a bit annoying... :mad:

I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you sold someone a remap, then they went away and did a load of other mods to the car which broke it, then returned to you having restored the car to it's original configuration and expecting you foot the bill for fixing it, claiming the remap broke it?


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the only way to make a re-map undetectable is to remove it really as VAG diag. equipment has moved on so much these days.

The re-maps are very conservative, (172 bhp and 378Nm @1900 RPM on a PD130)

The map is removed by the module the customer gets with the conversion.

The conversion will not cause any problems with wear so there should be no claims on warranty. But it will allow people to get work done on items that may fail under normal conditions. that if they had a detectable chip may not get done.

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the only way to make a re-map undetectable is to remove it really as VAG diag. equipment has moved on so much these days.

So the remap is not undetectable' date=' but it can be removed before going to a dealer...so to conclude, it's not an undetectable map, is it? And there never will be such a thing, because, like you say, the only way to make a re-map undetectable is for it not the be there!

The conversion will not cause any problems with wear so there should be no claims on warranty. But it will allow people to get work done on items that may fail under normal conditions. that if they had a detectable chip may not get done.

Or, to paraphrase, it allows for the customer to breach the terms of the warranty, which states than any modifications will void it?


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We never stated the re-map is undetectable

Not in as many words...but "we do a product...no issues on factory warranty" is potentially misleading!

Besides which, is Skoda had strong enough reason to suspect someone was trying to claim for warranty work having used your product, wouldn't the paper trail of invoices you keep be admissable? So even if the ECU had a standard map on it, there would be ways of proving the work had been undertaken...


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