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Speakers make a really loud crack and turns the radio off. (seemingly at random?)

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About half a dozen times now, usually when starting a journey, the speakers will make an all mighty crack when I am driving off. It is similar to the crack you would get if you plugged a phono jack into a speaker while the source is playing music, but a lot louder!

The radio is nearly always on when I finish a journey, so will turn itself on when I turn the key. It seems to happen mostly when I am reversing out of a parking spot, I have rear parking sensors which quieten the volume of the radio - could these be causing some problems with the speakers? It's not nice to be spooked when reversing or pulling away, it's so loud it sounds like I had just hit another car or something.

There doesn't seem to be a pattern emerging though. It seems to happen at random, it even did it while driving down the motorway once, bloody **** myself thinking something had fallen off the car!

I never put the volume above 15, it defaults to 10, and the bass/treble/balance are all equal - so I am not doing anything out of the ordinary to cause my speakers to pop. It seems to "reboot" the radio when it has done it, so takes about 10 seconds for it to be able to play music again.

Anyone heard of this happening before? Is there a known cause or a fix?

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Yep , it's happend to most of us at some point and I don't believe there's a known cause or fix.

I've had it happen when I've turned the engine off , not removed the keys , then restarted. Usually this causes the radio to shut off for a second or two but occasionally it won't power off but will make the noise you've heard a few seconds later.

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