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Where do I go now? and how much?


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Just been wondering.... Now I have Jabba running nicely, got the custom exhaust, green filter etc, I've pretty much maxed out my dear old PD100 engine. Or have I.

This is a simple musing of "what else" - Suggestions and costs below please, however large, but not involving a complete engine swap please. :D

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Dont take this the wrong way as Im having similar thoughts, spend some money on performance driver training, its a mod you can use on every other car you own, I recently let someone else drive my car who has raced & was absolutely amazed at how quickly it could go (or am I just a slow old ****)

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NOS or training.....

but where do you want the speed. if for traffic light grand prix then NOS @ 50bhp

if for track then training / strip car.

Strip car... :rofl: My car should be a sight to behold internally at Angelsey. ;) I'm still writing down a list of "bits to leave in Devon" :)

Training is a good point, and an advanced course wouldn't be a bad idea for me I reckon. Will look into that sometime for sure, especially if it makes a difference to my insurance. ;)

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Can you use NOS on diesels? :rubchin:

NOS is a waste of time IMHO - a shot lasts for a few seconds and costs many pounds for a refill of the bottle. It stresses your engine heavily for a few seconds, then the feeling wears off and you come back to earth with a bump. Traffic light Grands Prix are some people's thing, but they don't do it for me. I prefer a car that will hold the road along a twisty challenging road - like the ones in Wales - with the performance to give an exhilarating drive and the brakes to match. And I agree with Stuart et al who suggest driver training - I'm constantly trying to learn to be better so I can go faster within my own limits. :thumbup:

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NOS was done on an old 1.9TDi golf (m reg) and it flew, kept pace with a honda NSX :). It was an auto so the NOS didnt fry the clutch but apparently diesels are the best for NOS as they are generally stronger engines to start off with as they burn under compression. The NOS can be set up to activate at a certain RPM if i remember rightly so it will not use a whole tank pootling along, however when your foot feels just a tad heavier, then whoooooosh

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