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Future 1.9TDi DMF warranty claims

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Following from my previous thread.

Picked car up tonight after having a new flywheel/clutch fitted under warranty for juddering and imbalanced issues.Mine has been converted to Single Mass Flywheel now.

Meadens explained to me that Skoda UK will now replace all DMF with Single Mass flywheels due to excessive claims on DMF issues and are basically tired of it so will convert all future cases to SMF to overcome this.

My car feels so much different now after fitment and is very smooth and precise gearchange.No idle noise or lumpiness either.Well worth the wait to get it done :thumbup:

Not sure if this applies to 2.0TDi though as they only mentioned 1.9.

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Is there a noticeable difference in the feel of the car pulling away with a solid flywheel compared to with the DMF? I'm curious as I reckon my car (1.9 PD With DMF) is way more prone to stalling pulling away compared to the 1.6 petrol I had before even though it's got bucketloads more torque as soon as I get it in gear... If I let the clutch in gently it'll pull away really slowly at idle, but it takes a lot of care to pull away smartly (Not race style, just quickly enough that the line of traffic behind don't feel delayed).

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Compared to before when i had the DMF i would say there is more bite and not so "spongy" so to speak but its very smooth on take up.Never really had any trouble with stalling though.I would also say that the clutch pedal feels slighty heavier also but nothing that would tire you when driving.Very pleased that its converted now :thumbup:

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