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My 58 plate VRS CR has just come up to 13K miles and I've yet to top up the oil (on long life service schedule). I keep checking the level about every 2000 miles, and wait 20 minutes after I switch off the engine and all seems fine.

I've always had to top up oil on other diesels between services so I'm wondering whether I'm not checking properly or just paranoid?....

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I think you will find each car is different. My PD engine uses aroung 1l every 9k. I've done 55k and the consumption has been pretty consistent.

When checking I normally do this on a morning before startup, not sure whether 20 minutes is enough for all the oil to settle. If its the same dip stick on the PD engine its a pain in the a*** to judge the level correctly.

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I have done 28000 kms on mine and the car has not used a drop of oil to date :-) I think the fact that is does not use oil makes the diesel partical filter more reliable and efficent...

No codes as yet and remapped too!

Edited by jcdub
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