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Tuning The Vrs

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Which tuning 'house' is the best option. APR, Revo or MTM? The inital upgrades to 212bhp cost about the same. MTM can take you further (225 and 240bhp) at a cost. Is the tuning likely to affect residual value?

Given the RS's performance already raises a smile, is tuning actually worth it?

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You need to look at the FAQ, also at the thread on the Revo legal situation at present. Otherwise I think Fabpreza is absolutely right - none bad. At the risk of being accused of bias, might I also mention Jabbasport? They should be able to get you 220 bhp easily.

Yes tuning may affect residual value but you could revert the car to standard spec before selling it.

And I think the answer from the chipped RS owners as to whether it's worth it, would be a resounding YES :D

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But to put things back into perspective, it will void your warranty if your dealer doesn't want to play ball... Better ask before you chip :D

Q - counting down the days till 09/2004 :(

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Originally posted by DavidBuchanan in this post

Which tuning 'house' is the best option. APR, Revo or MTM? The inital upgrades to 212bhp cost about the same. MTM can take you further (225 and 240bhp) at a cost. Is the tuning likely to affect residual value?

Given the RS's performance already raises a smile, is tuning actually worth it?

Welcome Mr. Buchanan

Don't know anything about MTM and haven't heard any bad reports about APR, Revo apart from pending legal proceedings but for sheer value for money it has to be Jabbasport at

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APR/REVO have good reps BUT there is impending legal action on REVO from APR. These are generic programs.

AmD/Jabba provide custom remaps for your car which ultimately are better, IMHO, as all engine are different.

The standard APR/REVO set-up is around

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Originally posted by panrix@work in this post

so i'll be ordering my remap as soon as there is a convenient slot available.

Not sure of the current waiting time, but they were booking 5 weeks ahead in early April, so best get your name in the book if the bonus is on the way !

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I... really... want... a remap! Must... resist... Aarrggh!!!

If you'd arranged it for next year I'd be on it like a dog in heat, but for now... :(

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If it's money that's stopping you getting Jabba'd, then have a think - you must have something to sell to grab the cash needed (spare child, family heirloom etc). If not, I will dedicate the first full tank of abused Optimax to you and your future remap :D

/subliminal on

Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it Do it

/subliminal off


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remember the offer is for the whole of this year so, if you want to have it done it can be done so much later in the year.

Once I put the names forward you then just have to ring up, pay your deposit and book a date.

Happy deciding.;)

Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated!:borg:


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Aarrgghhhh! Stop it guys! I have two reasons why I can't have it done; 1) I'm about to run out of time on my contract which means I can be out of a job for quite a while until I find myself a new employer, 2) The car still has 1.5 years of warranty on it and my local dealer isn't going to honour it if I were to remap it...

I will probably have it done next year when it comes to insurance renewal time. If there is only 6 months left on the warranty I won't mind the gamble :D


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Thanks to all the responses. Quite a little community ( I only registered the other day so new to this).

Will look at the Jabba site.

Two problems I am having with the RS: cloth trim inset in drivers seat wearing through after only 7 months- not happy; black pearl paint getting light scratches by the day- from cats sitting on the warm bonnet?/ people brushing past in car parks- well ****ed off. Is such easy scratching typical or a possible problem with Skoda cutting back on paint quality to acheive costs? If this persists I will need to ditch the car before it turns white.

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It's generally acknowledged that the black colour does show up scratches more easily than say silver.

It is a nice colour but for the above reason and the fact that it shows the dirt up more I got silver (oh no :eek: ,I may have started the "colour" debate again:D ).

Colin is sorting out something with Swissol so I imagine they'll have something to get the scratches out; Jon has already done this I think.

As for prevention a few of the Briskodians have Supaguard etc applied. Don't know whether it's any good or not though.



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Silver would have been better in hindsight, but too late now. I have tried using Meguilars (sp?) Scratch X but with no benefit. Car is in to the body shop soon as it was shunted by a Brazilian, so the shop says they can buff out the lesser scratches, but its the ongoing problem to overcome. Supaguard or other surface treatments don't work, as far as I am concerned. My car has had such treatment. Complete waste of money.

ps: nobody got any work to do?

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plenty of work to do - but boss on holiday :D

i have a black beast and it's covered in scratches - just the way it goes i think

countdown to Jabba commences in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.... blastoff :drive1:

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