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Puncture repair...

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Just thought I would share this with you and get your thoughts!

I got home this morning after a long night-shift, pulled on the drive, got out and walked towards the house and for some reason looked back (don't know why) at the car and noticed something in the tread. I thought it was just a stone at first but no, a nail! B0ll0CKS! :mad:

Curiosity got the better of me, hoping it might just be a short tack and would pull out without that horrible air escaping sound but alas no!

So, off came the wheel, on went the spare and thoughts of where to get it fixed started!

I got the tyres back in April from ETYRES and on the invoice they state that they offer free puncture repairs for ETYRES customers. Result I thought!

A quick phone call to them informed me that the way it works is that they book out a tyre to me, which I have to pay for, they inspect the punctured tyre and fix it if applicable then refund the booked out tyre! :rotz:

Needless to say I went to the local National Tyres Centre down the road who did it straight away and only charged £12.

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at least you could get it repaired. Every puncture I have had has been right on the shoulder of the tyre, except one which was dead centre but was caused by a 2" long piece of metal which left a big tear in the tyre.

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To be fair, 12 quid is still a lot less than a new tyre... :)

I think I paid 8 quid + VAT last week when SWMBO's car was in for that plus a new back box, new rear bump stops and an MoT. The bump stops were the most expensive job - I don't have anything to compare it to, but hanging the stone guard off the end of the bump stop seems like a design for keeping garages in business IMO... :rolleyes:

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only £12 pmsl

The price wasn't an issue! The fact that they did it straight away was worth it!

However, the point is, I'm a bit pi55ed off with Etyres wanting to charge for a new tyre before they'd even look at it! :rotz:

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