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New Detail Location...........


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This might sound a bit weird so bear with me. But seeing the transformation of your cars gives me the same warm feeling that I get when I stock my fridge up to the top with fresh groceries. :)

Trouble is just like the food goes down the car gets dirty again :( That makes perfect sense in my head

Lovely to look at, as ever:thumbup::)

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is it wrong that i would have been quite happy with a car as clean as the before shots :D

Ofcourse not mate, let's face it, it would be a lot cheaper in that state...........:rofl:

:( I wish MX5s were 20% bigger so I could fit in one.

If the Audi A6 was too small then you have no hope!!!

This might sound a bit weird so bear with me. But seeing the transformation of your cars gives me the same warm feeling that I get when I stock my fridge up to the top with fresh groceries. :)

Trouble is just like the food goes down the car gets dirty again :( That makes perfect sense in my head

Lovely to look at, as ever:thumbup::)

Nice point there and it's like anything, it only looks good for 5 minutes or so...........:thumbdwn:

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Guest Fabia 12v

Cracking work yet again!!

Think when the new car arrives my best option might be to make a trip to see you and do it right from the start with right tools and equipment :thumbup:

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Hi Simon,

Very nice detail - the black came up lurvly jubbly!

Good luck in the new pad mate.... looks quite smart!



Cheers, Ste.......:thumbup:

Would you believe I was in Scotland last weekend, in Glenrothes, up in Dundee on the 14th /15th November.......:thumbup:

Cracking work yet again!!

Think when the new car arrives my best option might be to make a trip to see you and do it right from the start with right tools and equipment :thumbup:

You know where I am buddy and if you want to come along, help we can turn it around no problem........:thumbup:

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Nice one Simon - i'm up there next weekend for some golf at Gleneagles; then again the weekend before you in November. I'm due to get some new tyres on the VRS when i'm up too.... and hoping some time to get the car detailed and a winter coat of wax on!



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