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Security protection for your PC


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Hello all,

I am looking for peoples advice on what security programs or suites they use on their PC's. To be honest i only use freeware products as i once bought Norton Internet Security and it slowed my PC to a standstill.

The products i use just now on my XP Notebook are:

Firewall: Windows Built in.

Antivirus: Avira antivir Free.

Spyware: Malware bytes Free and Superantispyware Free.

Now the tech ones will notice that i dont have any real time protection from malware/spyware or any HIPS. I was going to install windows defender for real time protection and also use that program as a startup manager ( which is just now in the hands of Revo uninstaller ) but i see Microsoft have recentlty introduced Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) which when installed disables Windows Defender because it seems to have more definitions to work from. The only problem i see with installing MSE is that it has virus definitions as well and as we know its not so good to run two anti virus software together as they might conflict with each other.

So guys and girls what are you running for real time malware/spyware protection and in general what freeware security programs do you run together that works well for you.


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Although not free I have been using norton 09 (runs for cover)

Which at £25 for 3 users is cheap enough.

It's very slick compared too the older versions and doesn't bother you at all unless theres a problem.

It uses about 1-2% whilst on idle.

I kind of think, if somethings free it's usually lacking something if that makes sense.

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Although not free I have been using norton 09 (runs for cover)

Which at £25 for 3 users is cheap enough.

It's very slick compared too the older versions and doesn't bother you at all unless theres a problem.

It uses about 1-2% whilst on idle.

I kind of think, if somethings free it's usually lacking something if that makes sense.

My body shaked there when i read Norton. Maybe they have changes since i last used it and it doesnt look like it uses a lot of resources. I see what you mean about if something is free then its usually missing something and in the case of PC security i would say that if you buy a commercial suite it covers everything but if you go the freeware route then you need to install more applications because they are limited with the exception being Comodo Internet Security.

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I have AVG and Windows Firewall, as I'm never connected to an access point that doesn't have a hardware firewall...

Should have said i'm behind a hardware firewall too, although i havent really configured it. Is that the latest AVG free your refering to which has both virus and spyware definitions?

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I know what mean about norton. I installed it for a friend a few weeks bacck after telling them it's a turd, but I was impressed by how little of it there actually is.

It installs in about 2 mins a leaves a very small footprint on your system.

So i took the plunge, likesay 3 for £25 ain't bad but I would'nt pay £50 for 1 or 3 for that matter lol.


Edited by fatty5000
fixed error that made me look mad lol
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My body shaked there when i read Norton.

I get a little bit of sick in my mouth if I have to mention them :(

If you're on a hardware firewall I wouldn't bother with a personal firewall. I've been running two machine in the house like that for 4 years with no problems.

You will need one if you'll use it away from your own connection.

If you are sensible with your browsing habits you won't need live spyware scanning, don't download crap :thumbup:

I have Avast AV on both machines and Asquared antispyware to run about once a month.

I only use webmail so no route into the machine other than the browser and I use Firefox with adblock plus for the web and I switch on no-script if I'm getting paranoid.

I've had a couple of alerts from contaminated downloads but nothing that hasn't been caught.

Other than that no malware or spyware on the machine for about 6 years. The only thing that has borked it was iTunes.

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Should have said i'm behind a hardware firewall too, although i havent really configured it. Is that the latest AVG free your refering to which has both virus and spyware definitions?

Yeah, it's fine, even on my steam-powered PIII desktop (although that slows down quite considerably when it scans the external drive, due to the USB1.1 connection! :doh: )

The firewall's on factory settings, although it's passed numerous HijackThis tests. Did rather put paid to our designs on a cordless VOIP phone, though...

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I've had AVG competely ignore a webbased attack which isn't good. I've heard Kaspersky is very good but I haven't got round to trying it.

Norton has been known to sap your system resources.

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I've had AVG competely ignore a webbased attack which isn't good...

Surely that's the job of a firewall? Anti-virus / anti-spyware can only protect against resident nasties... :confused:

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I decieded to purchase Kaspersky Internet Security 2010. I got it for half price (£15) when i preordered Windows 7. Its a 3 user license. Got the two items for just over £75 from amazon.

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I've heard Kaspersky is very good but I haven't got round to trying it.

I have been using kaspersky for a few years and think it is realy good more so as it does not slow your system down and hog resources.

Give it a try you will like it - Much better than norton in my opinion

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