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Your fave tv/film cars


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I actually think the remake is better than the original (not least because it made some points that I agree with, and gave Kowalski a motivation).

I loved the 'takes a Mopar to catch a Mopar' scene in the remake, but I always preferred the original because it didn't have a point. Kowalski wasn't a hero and when he chose his way out it wasn't a tragedy - he was just done with things.The way the remake ended was tragic for a whole variety of reasons, and almost seemed to be adding morals that felt misplaced in a psychedelic road movie.

I also missed Super Soul, wasn't the same without him :)

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I loved the 'takes a Mopar to catch a Mopar' scene in the remake, but I always preferred the original because it didn't have a point. Kowalski wasn't a hero and when he chose his way out it wasn't a tragedy - he was just done with things.The way the remake ended was tragic for a whole variety of reasons, and almost seemed to be adding morals that felt misplaced in a psychedelic road movie.

I also missed Super Soul, wasn't the same without him :)

That's the thing; I always prefer films with characters I can understand, not always agree with, just understand.

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It might be worth asking in the technical section above dedicated to the Octavia - taking a conversation massively off topic is often frowned upon in forums, and means you're unlikely to get the answer you need.

That's true. It also helps if you write your question in English, wait more than 30 minutes before repeating it, and try using the Search for an FAQ like DVs for the 1.8T before asking.

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You mean that you wanted to see her driver's licence, don't you?

I believe it would be my civic duty to take down her particulars.

and her co driver:D

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How about that film featuring Ryan O Neal called "The Driver" where he wrecks a decent Mercedes (if such a thing exists). I always remember that line "you'd better get new plates if you intend taking it out on the road again" after he's trashed it in the local multi storey.

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I think you ought to start a poll, pink or purple ?

(or either, neither or both !!! :D)

Seem to remember the two ladies used for the sequel may have been nicer....sadly not technical enough to find picture.

Also was their Lambo not white and then red after a quick wash?..:)

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Seem to remember the two ladies used for the sequel may have been nicer....sadly not technical enough to find picture.

Allow me young sir, and yes you were correct, much nicer


And my vote for the best movie car goes to.......




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So we've got the "Duel" Pete, Rubber Duck's Mack S600, and WIdow Woman's Brockway; Mercy sakes good buddies, looks like we got us a convoy!!

Not forgetting the leader!


plus a couple more of my favourite film trucks. I had er.. have a thing for big american trucks as a young un.


from Warlords of the 21st Century (Battletruck), plus a more recent favourite 'rig'

Death Race's Dreadnought


which reminded me about Jason Stathams Mustang...... if it hasnt been mentioned already.

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