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VRS Exhaust


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sounds harsh but mine was like this once i got my rs. i use wirewool and autosol in the are where the round ports are. worked tip top and after used some regular auto glym and it looked like new. now a quick wash and it shines again. sweet ;)

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yea mate with a little water just to stop the metal scratching and to help lift the dirt etc. try not to use it to harshly on the chrome oval part of the tailpipe though as it may damage it. bit of time and patience and it will look mint!

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IIRC someone on here once used lemons/juice to good effect on thier tailpipe? :confused:

I'm sure I have heard that before as well. You should cut a fresh lemon in half and use that to rub it on. Of course there is the trick of putting Peanut Butter (I can't remember which sort) on plastic bumpers to clean them. The other thing I use on mine is to remove old polish from plastic trim or rubber window seals is a pencil rubber and it works a treat.

The alternative to a lemon is Autosol as mentioned above or Brasso.

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