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cleaning the standard Air filter for vrs


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I'm not sure this post has been asked before as most questions relate to performance air filter cleaning and this is not what this is about.

I wondered whether anyone reuses their standard air filters? i've got one sat which is 3 months old and not that dirt and I thought instead of buying a new one, how about just clean it up with some compressed air and a hoover

Can this be done? or does using compressed air just force the dirt further in?

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As mike has said for the price of them you might as well just get a new one, plus if u do try cleaning it their paper so you run the risk of damaging it (even if you don't think you have)....

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Just replace your paper filter every 10k, not every 40. Reverse-jetting (cleaning with compressed air) isn't recommended for paper filters for the reasons already given.

Panel filters have a much larger effective screen size than paper filters, and rely on oiling to 'catch' dust particles by surface tension as they pass the fibres rather than trapping them in the pores, as is the case with a paper filter. Oiling is a risky business on modern cars, as over-oiling can screw the MAF. But not oiling (FAO fabia145re-map!) is even riskier, as the dust particles pass straight through into the engine... :(

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