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Out with the old, and in with the new...

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Yesterday morning I drove to work looking at a dash like this....


This morning, i drove to work looking at this :-)


Driven out of the dealer about 18:45 yesterday evening and loving it already... Can't wait til I can cane it a bit :-)

Race Blue Octavia CR VRS with DSG.

First time I've ever bought a brand new car and trying not to think about the fact it's worth about 2 grand less than it was last night :-)

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Thanks Foo...

I really don't care about the values... The Saab was the company car so the only values I cared about were list price and emissions :-)

I plan on keeping the Octavia for at least 3 years and probably around about 75-80K miles....

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Its not an "S" its the "put your foot on the brake sign" that the DSG cars have to remind you to put your foot on the brake to put the car into "D" in order to drive. (my god that came out very long winded, sorry)

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The -12 reading was actually last week... Just a bit of artistic license as I don't photograph the dash every day :-)

The km/h is because the main speedo is now mph only for the uk models and European law states that the car has to show km/h too as the rest of Europe is km and not

miles... I don't know if that means the mainland Europe models get an mph readout on the display...

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I think it's a VRS thing. The 1.4TSi SE courtesy car the dealer picked me up in had 20/40/60 etc marked on it... You can't see it because of my rubbish photography, but from 80 to 160 the numbers go up in 20s...

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Its not an "S" its the "put your foot on the brake sign" that the DSG cars have to remind you to put your foot on the brake to put the car into "D" in order to drive. (my god that came out very long winded, sorry)

Ahhhh! Thanks for that. I have the 6 speed manual which explains why I've neverr seen that symbol! :-]

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I notice you have the odd numbers showing on the speedo - is this a VRS only thing or do all new Octy's now come with 30/50/70/etc marked on them? The one I test drove only had 20/40/60/80/etc on it :(

I wondered that. Mine goes 20 40 60 etc. I would much prefer 10 20 30 etc.

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