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Genuine VCDS (AKA Vag Com) Hex + Can USB inter-forum Group Buy 2010.


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Ditto Simon, postie has just been and have plugged in to the Skoda and the VW. The VW has much less to tinker with but I am going to read the manual before I do much more than scan for faults! It's saying my Octy has a faulty steering wheel - seems to work OK to me but this promises hours of endless fun investigating.

Cheers for all your hard work organising this, it really is much appreciated.


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Thanks for letting me collect this on Friday, Simon. Much apprciated. I have had no end of fun with plugging this in to various family members cars over the weekend, all of which had faults but mine! :rofl:

Good to meet you, face to a name and all that, and I really appreciate all the effort you've put in to making this happen.

Many thanks.


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You can probably all guess what I'm going to say? Yes, my lead has turned up too!

Just downloading software then off to play in the car. It will probably never leave the garage again!!

Thanks for all your work Simon.

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Hi Simon

Just got home to find the postman had been and can't collect for another one and a half hours!

Nothing better to do than write this

Thanks for all your hard work in getting the cables

only 1hour 25minutes to wait!!

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yep mine arrived today as well, already scanned the A4 and thankfully found no faults, and no registered with ross tech,

cheers very much simon! much apprecaiated.

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Postie tried to deliver but no-one was home and im working away now for the rest of the week.. :(

Gonna try and get my missus to collect but i havnt told her ive purchased it yet....gulp...

Thanks for sorting all this out Simon ;)



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Hi Simon

Cable turned up yesterday and have already completed an inital check on my Dads Octavia and my A5. Many thanks for organising this GB; you deserve a well earnerd rest and some family time now.

Thanks again, much appreciated.


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