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How To Get Rid Of Wax On Black Rubber Moldings


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I wax/simoniz my Skoda L& K and now I can not remove the wax of the black rubber moldings on the doors and bumpers.

Do any body has the same problem??? How can I clean this mess:confused:



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Here in the UK you can buy preparations to restore the black-ness. We have products called variously Bumper Black, Cockpit Shine, and Autoglym Rubber and Vinyl Protection (not sure about the last one). The first two are basically black oily preparations that you wipe on and polish with a cloth. Not used the Autoglym stuff but there was a similar thread on here a little while ago which described it as a green gel. Maybe you can get a similar product where you are.

Edited to say the Autoglym product is called Bumper Care - as posted by FabiaTdi.

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Best thing I find for this is Autoglym Bumper Care gel.

It removes all polish traces and brings back the original finish to the black trim.

It also leaves a water repellent protective surface, so water just beads and runs of it. :)

edited: looks like Nick got there first!

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If you can't obtain any of the products described above, you could try rubbing the mouldings with a rag moistened with good old-fashioned methylated spirits (maybe called industrial alcohol or wood naphtha where you are). This should remove any wax on them.

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I find "back to black" from simoniz works well, run out of it the other week and tried a generic silicone based spray, this proved equally effective.

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Or if you are a cheapskate and want a good finish:

Buy a tin of black shoe polish

Heat so that the polish melts

Rub in well with either a rag or an old toothbrush

Has the benefit of not only turning the strips black again, but it waxes them as well

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That autoglym rubber protector does exist, but I have no "black bits" on my car, apart from the tyres to worry about... Simoniz back to black is also good, but the bottle in the garage is running low now, and I now have some turtle wax equivalent stuff

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Buy a tin of black shoe polish

Heat so that the polish melts

Rub in well with either a rag or an old toothbrush

Oh I recall doing this quite alot for boot polishing. Used to pop it on the aga to heat it up, then left home at college had to improvise...so a few seconds later I had the zippo with polish on two cassette cases...bargin nice and soft and oh **** polish on fire...oh **** **** flaming polish on the floor, on the desk...omfg. Still you live and learn, improvisation has it's benefits and drawbacks.

Boots came up well though afterwards ;)

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Hey people, thank you for your help.

My question now is is those product are going to clean the white marks or are going to hide the marks.


Your Turbo Boss:1:

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Originally posted by britney in this post

Good old Waxoyl is pretty good, & it also stops your rubber trims rusting away!!!! ;-)

Hmmm - thinks... I wonder if WD40 ....?

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I clean the rubber moldings using MOTHERS Tag & Bug remover with a ToothBrush. The wax goes away very easy.

Then, I put MOTHERS Back to Black to keep a nice look.

Thank you for your help and hope this info help you too.



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Originally posted by fen_l&k in this post

Mother's sounds like a bit of a 'gangsta' product to me!!

Well I pay for the Mothers product Bug & Tar remover US$ 7.oo

and for the Mothers Back to Black US$ 10.oo

Maybe you can get the same products in another inexpensive brand.


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Originally posted by Dmac1969vRS in this post


I think the product that Nick was referring to is 'Vinyl and rubber care' by Autoglym , its what i use on my black trim and dash ect to keep it shiny , its less messy than the Bumper Care gel.

I use the VW Quantum Interior Trim cleaner for my dash. It leaves a nice semi gloss finish, and also leaves the car smelling new as well. Just be sure your happy with the end result on your steering wheel as it can be a bit slippy, but easily wipes off with a wet cloth.


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AUTOGLYM Fast Glass really does remove polish stains on paintwork and plastics, while AUTOGLYM Car Glass Polish is the best product I have found yet for removing silicone polish deposits on car windscreens.

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Of course, if you use a wax that can go on wet, then add it to the shampoo for wash n wax without any white mess. I use Mer like this all the time and have a perfectly waxed and shiny car without ever any white patches.


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