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Clutch Judder

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Anybody else suffer from clutch judder on damp / cold mornings? Bloody annoying and kinda unnaceptable me thinks!

Car is CR VRS 2009 Pre FL

Edited by wardth
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Mine is the same (2.0 Diesel, 2008 with 12,000 miles) I have taken it to the dealer once, but as I was expecting they couldn't find anything wrong.

On mine the judder happens just after the biting point, and doesn't seem so bad if I rev slightly harder than I normally would. It lasts for the first 3 or 4 miles then the car is fine. If I pull away in 2nd it doesn't seem to happen.

I do wonder if it is the engine 'spluttering' rather than the clutch.

Most owners seem to thing it is the dual mass flywheel that it to blame.

Have you tried asking Skoda UK Customer Care. I have, and they said that there is no known fault!

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Mine is an 08 2.0tdi and does it every morning for a couple of miles, I would love to know exactly what is, I described it to the dealer and their mechanic said it was the back brakes sticking for a while “They all do it, it’s the rust on the discs” but I have just left it in gear a few times and it is no different,

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our 54 B5.5 Passat 130 tdi has done it since about 10K.

i was rather concerned at first, but the dealer couldn't reproduce the problem after leaving it there overnight. i left it there a second night and drove it myself with their mechanic onboard, and i couldn't get it to judder either. obviously, it did it the next morning from home :doh: hey ho.

in the end i just ignored it, and it still does it now at 80K, but it's never got any worse. maybe happens more often though?

i can only speak for our particular car, but i can narrow down when it will happen or not.

first thing leaving our drive: never. at the next T junction: often.

i came to realise that our drive (and the exit from the dealer) is very slightly downhill. the aforementioned T junction is slightly uphill. it seems the extra effort of propelling the car causes the juddering.

another point is that the judder is only on a cold clutch. i can drive for 5 miles and still get the problem, the engine takes ages to transfer heat to the clutch. my solution is to manually get a little heat into the clutch. if i hold the car briefly at the T junction on the clutch, instead of the brake, no judder. yeah, i know it's not best practice, but it's only the slightest rise, the barest slipping of the clutch for a few seconds, and the judder can't be good for anything either.

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My 2.0TDI does it - on its second clutch. Never did it on the original clutch.

Only on the first pull off on colder damp mornings. Might just be a characteristic of certain clutches. Is there more than one clutch manufacturer I wonder?

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Do a forum search for "clutch judder".

Yep, did a search and nothing - the search functionality since the website blow up seems to be a little hit and miss.

It only does this on cold damp mornings and only for a couple of miles so I'm inclined to suspect clutch compound rather than the DMF but to be honest the car has never felt as smooth as it should so I'm going to book it into the dealer for a check. Thankfully my dealer (Rivervale of Portslade, Hove) is excellent and will no doubt get to the bottom of it. Its got to go in anyway for another niggle - the fuel filler cover takes about twenty goes to make it work!!

Loan car here we come - wonder if it will be the Merc?!! :-)

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One other thing that I’ve noticed on mine is that if I press the clutch pedal just an inch or two I can feel quite a strong vibration through the pedal. I’m not sure if this is related to the judder in any way. I’ve heard some people say that Skoda have told them that this is engine vibration, but I can’t buy that as it only occurs at a small range within the pedal travel. The vibration is related to engine speed and I can only assume it is some unevenness in the clutch being transferred through the clutch fluid back to the pedal. I’ve never noticed this on any other car, and it certainly doesn’t happen on me little Getz.

Has anyone else noticed this?

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One other thing that I’ve noticed on mine is that if I press the clutch pedal just an inch or two I can feel quite a strong vibration through the pedal. I’m not sure if this is related to the judder in any way. I’ve heard some people say that Skoda have told them that this is engine vibration, but I can’t buy that as it only occurs at a small range within the pedal travel. The vibration is related to engine speed and I can only assume it is some unevenness in the clutch being transferred through the clutch fluid back to the pedal. I’ve never noticed this on any other car, and it certainly doesn’t happen on me little Getz.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I wouldnt worry , they all do it, its just a charactoristic of the tdi engine.

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Yep, did a search and nothing - the search functionality since the website blow up seems to be a little hit and miss.

It only does this on cold damp mornings and only for a couple of miles so I'm inclined to suspect clutch compound rather than the DMF but to be honest the car has never felt as smooth as it should so I'm going to book it into the dealer for a check. Thankfully my dealer (Rivervale of Portslade, Hove) is excellent and will no doubt get to the bottom of it. Its got to go in anyway for another niggle - the fuel filler cover takes about twenty goes to make it work!!

Loan car here we come - wonder if it will be the Merc?!! :-)

The fuel filler flap issue is easy. Once you get it open, soak a cloth with WD40 and rub it all over the black plastic trim inside the filler. Job done. Never had a problem with mine after that and the dealer said it needed a new filler cap. Typical.

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The fuel filler flap issue is easy. Once you get it open, soak a cloth with WD40 and rub it all over the black plastic trim inside the filler. Job done. Never had a problem with mine after that and the dealer said it needed a new filler cap. Typical.

Thanks for that - will try ASAP!

Love the name BTW!

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Yep, did a search and nothing - the search functionality since the website blow up seems to be a little hit and miss.

It only does this on cold damp mornings and only for a couple of miles so I'm inclined to suspect clutch compound rather than the DMF but to be honest the car has never felt as smooth as it should so I'm going to book it into the dealer for a check. Thankfully my dealer (Rivervale of Portslade, Hove) is excellent and will no doubt get to the bottom of it. Its got to go in anyway for another niggle - the fuel filler cover takes about twenty goes to make it work!!

Loan car here we come - wonder if it will be the Merc?!! :-)

Did you get anywhere with your dealer?

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  • 3 months later...

Never replied - sorry!!

OK dealer of course couldn't find anything wrong the other month and now its doing it again but its now REALLY bad for about two miles. So bad in fact that I think the clutch might have lots of moisture on the plates or something. Its going in for 1st service next week so the buggers can look at it again then.

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Worth mentioning that in the past, the usual suspect for a juddery clutch was often a defective oil seal leaking oil onto the plate. I've had that myself a couple of times over the years.

It's usually worse in reverse and it can often be cured temporarily by spinning the clutch a bit and burning off the deposits. Not that this is necessarily the fault here, but with all the high tech stuff in cars nowadays, the obvious sometimes gets overlooked.

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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone get to the bottom of this, especially with the new CR engine?

Mine has started to do this also, same as my old 2.0pd that had the clutch and flywheel replaced as a result. With a car full of people this morning on first pull away it was juddering like a good one! Calmed down a bit after a few miles but still not good! I would have thought with all of the previous problems they could have sorted this out by now!



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