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Mapping, who to trust?


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Alright Folks.

So i'm definatly going to get my Octy Rs remapped in the not so distant future :thumbup: , but there seems to be so many different people offering the service: Jabba, Awesome etc etc. Who is the best? :confused: and more importantly who do you trust? Each one of them has given me different performance figures which all contradict each other. Some say you can get 270bhp from the standard turbo, others say the engine will detinate above 230bhp :eek: .

I'm going Jabba more than likely, but just looking others opinion first.



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270bhp on a standard turbo,they'll be talking about a Cupra R,Audi S3 running the K04 turbo.

the Octy has a K03S so limited to about 230bhp.

if you do a search on here you'll find out all the information you need otherwise give the tuners a call directly and have a chat to get answers to your questions.

i've had mine done since 10K and have had no problems.

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I'm very pleased with my Revo 3bar......My Review

I find it far from all or nothing.....with any remap if you just floor the throttle you will end up just skidding away, definately have to learn to drive the car again. I went for Revo after lots of talking to tuners and getting a few peoples views that had had each of the options.....drove a few too.


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My mate had Revo and he said the power delivery was all or nothing, and then later went with APR and said it was far better. This was on a 1.8T Ibiza.

Ive no complaints, some have said its a bit agressive but i love the way it comes on :D , i had the 4bar map and Forge DV.


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Personal recommendation is a good indicator but with so many peeps being mapped by the different tuners what hope have you of deciding from that?

IMHO all tuners are much of a muchness.....in the end it's other criteria which will help make your decisions e.g. cost/value for money, location etc.

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All sorts of choices out there, and according to a reply to a reader's letter in Performance VW mag, there are very few reported instances of engines going band because of a remap regardless of the tuner

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Ive no complaints' date=' some have said its a bit agressive but i love the way it comes on :D , i had the 4bar map and Forge DV.


Not only that but my mate who had Revo had it on the trial. When the trail expired, it left his car almost totally undrivable :thumbdwn:

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