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Mapping, who to trust?


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I was considering a remap and spoke to Jabba.

I was very impressed with their honesty and they pointed out the pitfalls as well as the advantages(mines a company car)

From their comments I decided not to get one but if that decison changes they would get the work 'cos i feel I could trust them


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AMD, APR, Jabba, Revo all good (in alpabetical order rather than any other).

Superchips, Upsolute don't get quite such rave reviews.

There are a couple of other small independents, but I believe those to be the main contenders.

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I wonder if your friend frequents seatenthusiasts.co.uk , or is he a seatcupra.net member?

He is/was a cupra.net member, I dont think he goes any more though, since he got flamed when he posted about it (although granted, I think the style his post was written didnt help).

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On that occasion Denis nothing was being adjusted, it was just the Cupranet RR day.

You don't need an SPS for 3 or 4 bar. It's just a tool to alter the characteristics of the map. Either you do it with an SPS you've bought or your friendly dealer does it for you.

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What is being adjusted while the car is on the RR, and I assume that the 4-bar option needs the SPS 3 option to be fitted?

Nothing adjusted at all.

Settings were LB9 IGN6, regular optimax settings on a 4bar programme.

(I set em for Jase earlier that week)

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