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When should I get my first Variable Service?


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Why did my first service pop up at 17' date='500?

I assumed that was normal-ish but now I'm thinking its a bit low[/quote']It's 20,000 miles max between services on variable for the 1.8T so 17,500 miles isn't bad at all.

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So 16k would indicate that it's had a fairly hard life then? :D

Nah the opposite, means its been pussy footed about ;)

Variable servicing

Petrol - min 9,300 miles...max 20,000 miles.

Diesel - min 9,300 miles...max 30,000 miles.

However the max diesel mileage has now been dropped to 20k also on new models.

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My first was at 31k (!) and now just turned 50k and still no service indicator - I'm doing slightly shorter runs now, so I suspect it might pop up a little earlier next time. However, it also looks like I'll be making an unscheduled stop sooner for a new clutch :(

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My first was at 31k (!) and now just turned 50k and still no service indicator - I'm doing slightly shorter runs now, so I suspect it might pop up a little earlier next time. However, it also looks like I'll be making an unscheduled stop sooner for a new clutch :(

I knew the 30K figure i quoted came from a reliable source ;)

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The oil light on my octavia 1.9tdi has just flashed yellow and beeped, is this my service light :confused: i have variable servicing and my car has done 17k. (sorry if this has been done before?)

When you turn on your car you should see "service" flashing in the MFA/clock display.

To be on the safe side I'd check my oil level as I'm not sure what's the indications are between model specs.

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checked my oil, was a little low, so i've topped it up and the yellow light has gone, i think will go on to fixed servicing after i have had my service done next week. thanks for your help :thumbup:

Yes, that's the oil level light, rather than the service light. If you only do low miles, fixed servicing makes sense. However, higher miles mean its better to go for variable.

There's a good document by VW here (clicky! ) - it's a PDF - that describes it all nicely.

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