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Flashing Glow Plug Light

andy ellis

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So who can give me an explanation???? Tonight my car started and the glow plug light went out, then after a few mins it started flashing constantly. Turning off the engine etc just repeated the symptoms......Booked in with dealer on Saturday but any ideas???


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I had that on my PD100. It was the temperature sensor that controls the glow plugs. Dealer fixed it quickly and under warranty so it sounds like it's a known problem.

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yep no rear brake lights but the hi level is working fuse seems ok as do the bulbs....so is it the brake switch or temp sensor.....

I thought the high level was linked to the normal brake lights. Try a new pair of bulbs..you never know.

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Correct they operate from the same switch, if the high level one is working the switch is OK, pair of bulbs sir.

Is it common for two to go in short spaces of time? I had a rear brake bulb blow only yesterday, and although I'm replacing it at the weekend, I'm wondering if any extra stress is being put on the other bulb, and if I may as well replace both?

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Oh for something like the old Vauxhall Check Control System that actually told you which lamp was out :D

But the "computer" which plugged into the diagnostics port was usless, at least the VAG diagnostics system seems to actually log faults.

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But the "computer" which plugged into the diagnostics port was usless, at least the VAG diagnostics system seems to actually log faults.

I'm talking about the dash display which said "Brake Light" when a brake light was out...

Much easier than trying to translate a flashing glow plug light, followed by 3 beeps and the drivers side window rolling up & down 3 times ;)

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Tech 1 very old 8 pin K wire was pretty useless.

Tech 2 however still remains the most user friendly diag equipment ive ever used (must be for Vauxhall moneys I guess, I used to be one...lol).

Up until the Vectra was launched Vauxhall cars only logged faults for about 8 ignition cycles, the when the Vectra came out they updated that to 50...lol.

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Out of interest - you're saying it's got lights on the dash panel for lights that are 'out' - in that case (assuming they are wired, which may be my first mistake), is the dash driven by the ECU and if so, could it be programmed to use those instead of flashing the glow plug light?

Without (obviously) knowing the wiring behind the dash of a car I currently don't have as yet, it just kinda seems to make sense to use the available, correctly labelled indicators instead :rolleyes:

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On my Fabia, I have a specific bulb-out warning light on the dashboard. Anyone know which bulbs trigger this then? I know I have one as it was on when I test drove the car, but I forget which bulb was out at the time - it was fixed when I picked up the car ;)


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On my Fabia, I have a specific bulb-out warning light on the dashboard. Anyone know which bulbs trigger this then?

All except the Indicator bulbs, as they just repeat a lot faster when one is out.

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All except the Indicator bulbs, as they just repeat a lot faster when one is out.

Do you know if it works on front fogs too? Mine haven't worked since I bought the car and I was hoping it's just a question of changing the bulbs, but I haven't got round to investigating them yet ;)


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