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Fitted alloy foot rest cover today

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Fitted my vRS foot rest cover just before lunch today, the foot rest has to come off, its then drilled and the alloy plate is firmly screwed and bolted on. Easy to remove the rest but a bugger to refit!!! Anyway, enjoy.




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looks nice :thumbup:

I wonder if you can get anything similar for the right footrest for when you're on cruise control.

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Fitted my vRS foot rest cover just before lunch today, the foot rest has to come off, its then drilled and the alloy plate is firmly screwed and bolted on. Easy to remove the rest but a bugger to refit!!! Anyway, enjoy.

Looks very good, I've got one but must go fit it. How do you get the foot rest off?

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Looks excellent! :thumbup:

Would also like to know where you got the alloy plate from. Had my Octy VRS just over a week and not too fussed on the plastic foot rest.

possibly clicky? must admit looks good! :thumbup:

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